Support for participation in international conferences for junior researchers
Presenting research results at international conferences is a fundamental building block for the career development of young researchers. This sub-fund aims to enable active participation in international scientific meetings.
Prerequisites for funding are:
- an active conference contribution
- in first authorship
- for an international scientific conference, usually outside Germany. International conferences that take place in different countries on a regular basis can also befunded if they are held in Germany. This must be stated in the application.
- The selection of presentations for the conferences is to take place in a review process.
- For destinations reachable in up to 9 hours by train and public transport, the costs of air travel cannot be covered.
Not eligible to apply are persons within structured programmes that provide travel funding or persons working within projects that include travel costs (e.g. third-party funded projects of the DFG or BMBF). In the case of employment through corresponding projects, it must be proven that the funding cannot be provided from the project funds.
Please note that participation in international workshops and summer schools cannot be
For the purposes of this funding line, junior researchers are generally considered to be persons with a fixed-term appointment as research assistants.
In exceptional cases, Master's students can be funded if a letter of recommendation from a professor is available and a future position at the university is planned. A maximum of 2 applications per person and year can be submitted. Applications can be submitted quarterly at the end of each quarter. Application and approval always take place before the start of the conference.
With a 1/4-yearly processing and in the case of a rejection, the time span for a funding application to another institution can become tight. For this reason and in order to have more planning security, a conference trip can be applied for before a contribution has been accepted. Approval is then granted on the condition that the contribution is accepted. Confirmation of acceptance must be submitted as soon as possible. The approval only becomes effective when the documents are complete. This exemption also serves to benefit from early bird offers and early bird discounts.
Application documents:
Complete processing of the online application form (see below) and complete documents are a prerequisite for processing with the exception described above.
The documents usually include:
Exposé of the conference contribution
Confirmation from the conference organisation that the contribution has been
accepted, stating the name of the applicantProof that the selection was based on a review process
Bestätigung des Betreuenden, dass (1) die antragstellende Person bei ihr/ ihm promoviert und (2) keine anderen Mittel zur Finanzierung dieser Tagungsreise vorhanden sind.
Indication of a Kostenstelle (TG 71, not a third-party account) to which the funds are
to be allocated.
Amounts of travel costs which can be reimbursed:
For conferences within Europe max. 750€
For conferences outside Europe max. 2.000€
Eine Doppelförderung durch Landesmittel ist ausgeschlossen. Antragstellende müssen eine Versicherung abgeben, dass die Finanzierung der Tagungsteilnahme bei keiner anderen Stelle des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz beantragt wurde oder künftig beantragt wird.
Double funding with state funds is not possible. Applicants must ensure that funding for conference participation has not been applied for or will not be applied for in the future from any other agency of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate.
Applications to other external funding organisations (e.g. DAAD, study foundations or professional societies) must be disclosed. In the event that another institution funds the conference participation, the research fund can cover the difference up to the funding amount provided for in the research fund.
Please send all documents summarised in one PDF file (you can find a template here) to the following address: