
With our shortener you can

  • create a short redirect URL for long links
  • save characters for social media posts
  • get a QR code for the shortened URL
  • and important: adjust the redirect destination of the short URL again if it has changed (log in!)

  • You can use the shortener to shorten URLs from the domain and all subdomains.
  • URLs with special components that could control the behavior of the target URL are not shortened. Example:

  1. Enter the long URL in the form field.
  2. Click on the "Generate" button to create a short URL.
  3. The URL shortener generates a unique short URL that is made available to you.
  4. In addition, a QR code is created that visually represents the short URL.
  5. You can now use the short URL to share, paste or print it.

  1. Log in with your RPTU account
  2. Create a short URL
  3. You will then find your generated URL in the "Dashboard" menu item
  4. Click on "Edit" to adjust the URL destination if it has changed.

  1. Log in with your RPTU account.
  2. Click on "Vanity URLs".
  3. Enter an abbreviation and the URL to be linked to it and click Submit.
  4. You can edit the vanity URLs later in the "Dashboard" menu item.