Only for employees: By logging in you can link your shortened URLs with your RHRZ account and edit them later
- You can use the shortener to shorten URLs from the domain and all subdomains.
- URLs with special components that could control the behavior of the target URL are not shortened. Example:
- Enter the long URL in the form field.
- Click on the "Generate" button to create a short URL.
- The URL shortener generates a unique short URL that is made available to you.
- In addition, a QR code is created that visually represents the short URL.
- You can now use the short URL to share, paste or print it.
- Log in with your RPTU account
- Create a short URL
- You will then find your generated URL in the "Dashboard" menu item
- Click on "Edit" to adjust the URL destination if it has changed.
- Log in with your RPTU account.
- Click on "Vanity URLs".
- Enter an abbreviation and the URL to be linked to it and click Submit.
- You can edit the vanity URLs later in the "Dashboard" menu item.