Students in the first semester have assigned personal contacts for the successful continuation of their studies, integrated into their regular tutorials.

These female mentors observe the first-year students in regular courses of the first and second semesters. They know the requirements and solutions, act as a contact or trusted person and help in case of mistakes, excessive demands or problems of the learners. Advanced students deepen their basic knowledge with the participants and practice basic skills with them. In this way they support the professors.



If interested, professors can fill in an application form and send it to the project coordinator Christine Klein  (  by 18. February / 4. August. She will then review the applications and distribute the funds.


  • regular courses of the first and second semester (BA only)
  • courses in which first-year students are supervised by mentors (seminars, internships, tutorials, no lectures)
  • a maximum of 14 semester weeks (= lecture period) are funded
  • only courses are funded, but no appointment by consultation, preparation/wrap-up phases, correction of exams etc. (please compare credit hours [SWS] with module handbook)
  • Mentors are advanced students, but not yet doctoral students.

Within the framework of the funding, mentors receive a contract as student/scientific assistants via the Gender Equality and Family Affairs Office (usually 1-2 mentors per application).

Mentors have to attend a continuing education course of the Gender Equality and Family Affairs Office with a gender aspect, which always takes place in the week before the start of lectures!


Christine Klein, MBA
Building: 57
Room: 264
67653 Kaiserslautern

P.O. Box: 3049

Tel.: +49 631 205-4363


Mo, Di & Mi (ungerade Wochen) Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung