Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs at RPTU
The Gender Equality Officer and the staff of the Equality, Diversity and Family Office of RPTU are contact persons for all university members. They work constantly to promote equality, diversity and equal opportunities and oppose any form of discrimination or sexualized violence.
We are committed to a culture of recognition and respect and support all phases of life, e.g. with offers in family service and mentoring, measures for professional development, informal counseling or official complaint procedures.

Aufgaben, Ziele und Förderprogramme - zentral und dezentral
Equality, Diversity &
Family Affairs Office
One staff unit, two offices:
in Kaiserslautern and in Landau
Gleichstellung, Vielfalt & Familie
Eine Stabsstelle, zwei Geschäftsstellen: in Kaiserslautern und in Landau
Gender Equality Officer
Office of the Gender Equality Officer
Bürgerstraße 23
Building BS | Ground Floor
D-76829 Landau
Gender Equality Officer
Prof. Dr. Francesca Vidal
Location: RPTU in Landau
T +49 (0) 6341 280-32770
E francesca.vidal[at]rptu.de
Deputy Gender Equality Officer
Prof. Dr. Karina Pallagst
Location: RPTU in Kaiserslautern
T +49 (0) 631 205-5155
E karina.pallagst[at]ru.rptu.de
Equality, Diversity & Family Affairs Unit
Head of Department
Dr. Sarah Nienhaus
T +49 (0) 6341 280-32539
Gebäude BS, Raum 053
E sarah.nienhaus[at]rptu.de
Kaiserslautern Office
PO Box 3049
D-67653 Kaiserslautern
Building 57, ground floor
Dr. Cornelia Rövekamp
T +49 (0)631 205-5902
E c.roevekamp[at]rptu.de
Family Service
Dipl.-Sozialwiss. Leslie Schleese
Building: 57 Room: 271
T +49(0)631 250-4323
E l.schleese[at]rptu.de
Landau Office
Bürgerstraße 23
D-76829 Landau
Building BS, ground floor
Family Service & Mentoring
Dr. Jane Kühn
Building BS, Room 135
T +49(0)6341 280-37252
E jane.kuehn[at]rptu.de
Family Service & Coordination
Eva Borries
Buidling BS, Room 044
T +49 (0) 6341-280-32539
E eva.borries[at]rptu.de
Family Service & Secretary
Pia Fahrnschon
Building BS, Room 072
T +49 (0) 6341-280-32415
E familie-sekretariat-ld@rptu.de