Personal consultation
The Office for Equality, Diversity & Family in Landau advises and supports
all students, employees, and members of the university in questions and concerns related to gender equality also in a personal conversation.
Possible topics could be:
Initial orientation at the university for new students
Funds and scholarships
Women's and gender studies
Sexualized discrimination and violence
Professional and career planning in and outside of academia
Study and examination matters
Individual consultation appointments by arrangement.
Dr. Sarah Nienhaus
Telefon: +49 (0)6341 - 280 32 537
E-mail: sarah.nienhaus[at]
Raum 053
Help with discrimination & sexualized violence
Are you looking for information or help & support with sexual harassment and violence?
External information and consulting services in Landau
- Aradia e.V -FrauenZentrum.
(Aradia e.V. women's center landau)
- Städtische Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der Stadt Landau
(Municipal Equal Opportunities Officer of the City of Landau)
- Beauftragte für Chancengleichheit am Arbeitsmarkt Arbeitsagentur Landau
(Commissioner for Equal Opportunities on the Job Market Landau Employment Agency)