Personal consultation

The Office for Equality, Diversity & Family in Landau advises and supports
all students, employees, and members of the university in questions and concerns related to gender equality also in a personal conversation.

Possible topics could be:

  • Initial orientation at the university for new students

  • Funds and scholarships

  • Women's and gender studies

  • Sexualized discrimination and violence

  • Professional and career planning in and outside of academia

  • Study and examination matters

Individual consultation appointments by arrangement.

Make an appointment

Dr. Sarah Nienhaus

Telefon: +49 (0)6341 - 280 32 537
E-mail: sarah.nienhaus[at]
Raum 053

Help with discrimination & sexualized violence

Are you looking for information or help & support with sexual harassment and violence?

go to the help page

External information and consulting services in Landau