Kaiserslautern physicist new vice president of the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz
The Kaiserslautern physicist Professor Dr. Burkard Hillebrands has been elected as the chairman of the mathematics and sciences class at the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz, and also as Vice-President of the Academy. Hillebrands is head of the magnetism group at the physics department of the University of Kaiserslautern and is Scientific Director at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Material Research Dresden (IFW Dresden), as well as vice-speaker of Spin+X. In his research, he examines the properties and applications of magnon particles and the material properties of magnetic nano systems.
Professor Hillebrands follows Professor Dr. Reiner Anderl, who now holds the office of President. The Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz consists of three classes: the Mathematical and Sciences class, the humanities and social sciences class, and the class of literature and music. Each class comprises up to 50 members and appoints each a vice president.
Professor Hillebrands researches on the phenomenon of so-called macroscopic quantum states. His focus is on supra currents and magnon quantum particles. These can carry more information than electrons and consume significantly less energy. The Kaiserslautern scientists use them in their work as fast information carriers and transporters. Thus, they have established a new research field: Supramagnonics.
For technical applications the research of the physicists can be of relevance: the processing and storage of data could become significantly more powerful with those particles in the future. Hillebrands received an ERC Advanced Grant last year, one of the most prestigious awards of the European Union, for his work in this field.
For more information:
Prof. Dr. Burkard Hillebrands
TU Kaiserslautern/Group Magnetism
E-Mail: hilleb(at)
Phone: 0631-205-4228
Sekretary: Sibylle Müller
E-Mail: smueller(at)
Phone: 0631 205-4262