The Center for Ethics and the Digital Society (CEDIS) looks at digital technologies and artificial intelligence from an interdisciplinary perspective: Scientists from philosophy, computer science, pedagogy, linguistics and other socially relevant fields jointly research at RPTU how such key technologies can be used in an ethically and socially acceptable way.
The aim of our scientific work in the established university potential area at the interface of ethics, AI research, society, education and politics is to analyze and critically reflect on the accompanying transformation processes in the various areas of life, such as healthcare, work, socialization, environment, etc. In this way, the respective applications with their opportunities and risks can be questioned with regard to the individual and the community, and options for action for society and politics can be formulated and weighed up.
Furthermore, CEDIS will support companies and enterprises in joint projects with regard to how AI or other software can be developed or used responsibly. Last but not least, through cooperation of philosophical, technical, social science and economic research perspectives, ethically justifiable application concepts are to be developed that promote individual and communal design processes, make them transparent and serve a humane society.
Center for Ethics and the Digital Society (CEDIS)
RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau
Gebäude 57, Raum 574
67663 Kaiserslautern
Tel.: +49 631 205-3822
E-Mail: cedis-info[at]rptu.de
current information and dates
For current information and dates please visit the german site https://rptu.de/cedis/news.
Workshop at the Villa Denis