Offers for fathers

More and more fathers dedicate themselves to their children, take part in childcare tasks and take parental leave (supported by parental benefits). Men are also opting for leave, reduced working hours and telework for family reasons.

The social scientific research and advisory institute SowiTra has collected operational experiences of fathers on parental leave and, based on this, has drawn up recommendations for action on how the world of work can be made more father-friendly and thus also more gender equitable.

The Väter-Experten-Netz Deutschland e.V. (VEND) [Fathers Expert Network Germany e.V. (VEND)] is a nationwide association of experts in the fields of education, research, consulting and journalism. The association has set the goal, among other things, to promote the educational competence of fathers in the family and the equal rights of men and women. 

Past Projects by the staff unit:

Workshop Series

Calender Fathers and Superiors

Flyer Fathers have the same rights

Coffee mug

Further information:
Väter e.V. 
Männernetz Hessen
Väter NRW 
VÄTERBlog Väterzeit


Family Service Office

Dipl.-Sozialwiss. Leslie Schleese
Building: 57
Room: 271
67663 Kaiserslautern

Tel.: +49 631 205-4323


Consultation by agreement