2017, September 4-5 (Frauenchiemsee)
- Project Milenkovic: "Contribution of endogenous ATP to development of endbulb of Held synapse"
- Project Köppl/Sienknecht: "Hair cell and ribbon synapse development under Wnt9a overexpression in the chicken‘s basilar papilla"
- Project Pangrsic: "The role of calcium-binding proteins (CaBPs) in sound encoding at the inner hair cell ribbon synapse"
- Project Engel/Kurt: "Role of alpha2delta3 for Ca2+ currents in SG neurons, endbulb of Held morphology and temporal processing in the IC"
- Project Verhulst: "Quantifying synaptopathy and outer-hair-cell loss using auditory evoked potentials: a model-based approach"
- Project Heil: "A simple model of the inner-hair-cell ribbon synapse accounts for mammalian auditory-nerve-fiber spontaneous spike times"
- Project Hemmert: "A biophysical model of the electrically stimulated auditory nerve"
- Project Knipper/Rüttiger: "Cochlear synaptopathy and central auditory deficits in stress and trauma"
2016, SEPTEMBER 26-27 (Delmenhorst)
- Göpfert group, Göttingen: "Fly hearing, force-transduction, and TRPs"
- Oliver group, Marburg: "Structure-based analysis of the molecular mechanisms of preston-dependent cochlear Amplification"
- Strenzke group, Göttingen: "The role of LRBA (LPSresponsive, beige-like anchor protein) in auditory function"
- Engel group, Homburg: "Role of the alpha2delta3 Ca2+ channel subunit for spiral ganglion and lower auditory brainstem neurons"
- Künzel group, Aachen: "The role of dendritic inputs in high-fidelity temporal processing of phase-coding neurons in the mammalian anteroventral cochlear nucleus"
- Milenkovic group, Leipzig: "Tonotopic and cell-specific purinergic modulation in developing auditory circuit"
- Morawski group, Leipzig: "Perineuronal nets establish a specific micro-milieu around highly active synapses which contributes to the secure and temporally precise synaptic transmission"
- Nothwang group, Oldenburg: "Role of L-type Ca2+-channels for development and function of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body, an ultrafast relay center involved in sound localisation"
- Rudolf Rübsamen (guest speaker): "Signal processing in the auditory brainstem"
- Sonja Pyott (guest speaker): "Primary auditory neurons: properties and synaptic function"
- Friauf group, Kaiserslautern: "Neuronal precision, accuracy, and fidelity: Inhibitory and excitatory inputs to the lateral superior olive"
- Leitner group, Marburg: "IK,n - A KCNQ potssium current in auditory hair cells with unique properties"
- Körber group, Heidelberg: "Modulation of release probability at an auditory relay synapse"
- Felmy group, Hannover: "Analysis of the cellular mechanisms promoting fast information transfer at a large synapse in the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus"
- Heil group, Magdeburg: "Modeling the spontaneous activity of mammalian auditory-nerve fibers"
- Hemmert group, Munich: "A spiking neuron network model of ITD detection in the medial superior olive"
- Vollmer group, Würzburg: "Effects of deafness and electrical cochlear stimulation on neuronal sensitivity to intramural time differences and on glycinergic innervation in the gerbil auditory"
- Koch group, Berlin: "The role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors for the development of auditory brainstem circuits involved in temporal processing of sounds"
- Klump group, Oldenburg: "Perception of mistuning in harmonic complextones: A case for temporal fine structure processing?"
- Knipper/Rüttiger group, Tübingen: "Does corticosterone affect auditory sound processing at the inner hair cell synapse?"
- Pecka group, Munich: "The temporal resolution of binaural integration in the lateral superior olive and its implications for the electrical restoration of spatial hearing"
- Stephan group, Kaiserslautern: "Functional specializations of neuroglia in the auditory brainstem"
- Verhulst group, Oldenburg: "Interrelation between auditory-brainstem and envelope-following response metrics: diagnosing subcomponents of hearing loss"
- Guest speakers of PP 1392: Integrative Analysis of Olfaction
- Monika Stengl: "(Ultra)sensitive smelling in insects: hawkmoth pheromone transduction"
- Marc Spehr: "Chemosensory mechanisms of social communication"
- Veronika Egger: "Fast (and slow) synaptic processing in olfactory bulb granola cell spines"
- Michael Schmuker: "Odour space - Exploring the chemical map in the olfactory system"
- Göpfert group, Göttingen: "Fly hearing, force-transduction, and TRPs"
- Oliver group, Marburg: "Structure-based analysis of the molecular mechanisms of preston-dependent cochlear Amplification"
- Strenzke group, Göttingen: "The role of LRBA (LPSresponsive, beige-like anchor protein) in auditory function"
- Engel group, Homburg: "Role of the alpha2delta3 Ca2+ channel subunit for spiral ganglion and lower auditory brainstem neurons"
- Künzel group, Aachen: "The role of dendritic inputs in high-fidelity temporal processing of phase-coding neurons in the mammalian anteroventral cochlear nucleus"
- Milenkovic group, Leipzig: "Tonotopic and cell-specific purinergic modulation in developing auditory circuit"
- Morawski group, Leipzig: "Perineuronal nets establish a specific micro-milieu around highly active synapses which contributes to the secure and temporally precise synaptic transmission"
- Nothwang group, Oldenburg: "Role of L-type Ca2+-channels for development and function of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body, an ultrafast relay center involved in sound localisation"
- Rudolf Rübsamen (guest speaker): "Signal processing in the auditory brainstem"
- Sonja Pyott (guest speaker): "Primary auditory neurons: properties and synaptic function"
- Friauf group, Kaiserslautern: "Neuronal precision, accuracy, and fidelity: Inhibitory and excitatory inputs to the lateral superior olive"
- Leitner group, Marburg: "IK,n - A KCNQ potssium current in auditory hair cells with unique properties"
- Körber group, Heidelberg: "Modulation of release probability at an auditory relay synapse"
- Felmy group, Hannover: "Analysis of the cellular mechanisms promoting fast information transfer at a large synapse in the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus"
- Heil group, Magdeburg: "Modeling the spontaneous activity of mammalian auditory-nerve fibers"
- Hemmert group, Munich: "A spiking neuron network model of ITD detection in the medial superior olive"
- Vollmer group, Würzburg: "Effects of deafness and electrical cochlear stimulation on neuronal sensitivity to intramural time differences and on glycinergic innervation in the gerbil auditory"
- Koch group, Berlin: "The role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors for the development of auditory brainstem circuits involved in temporal processing of sounds"
- Klump group, Oldenburg: "Perception of mistuning in harmonic complextones: A case for temporal fine structure processing?"
- Knipper/Rüttiger group, Tübingen: "Does corticosterone affect auditory sound processing at the inner hair cell synapse?"
- Pecka group, Munich: "The temporal resolution of binaural integration in the lateral superior olive and its implications for the electrical restoration of spatial hearing"
- Stephan group, Kaiserslautern: "Functional specializations of neuroglia in the auditory brainstem"
- Verhulst group, Oldenburg: "Interrelation between auditory-brainstem and envelope-following response metrics: diagnosing subcomponents of hearing loss"
- Guest speakers of PP 1392: Integrative Analysis of Olfaction
- Monika Stengl: "(Ultra)sensitive smelling in insects: hawkmoth pheromone transduction"
- Marc Spehr: "Chemosensory mechanisms of social communication"
- Veronika Egger: "Fast (and slow) synaptic processing in olfactory bulb granola cell spines"
- Michael Schmuker: "Odour space - Exploring the chemical map in the olfactory system"
- Martin Göpfert (Göpfert group):Title tba
- Dominik Oliver (Oliver group): "New Results on the Molecular Structure and Function of Prestin"
- Magdalena Picher (Moser group): "The role of CaBP2 in synaptic sound encoding"
- Christian Vogl (Strenzke group): "The role of LRBA2 in hair cell physiology"
- Chrstian Kubisch (Kubisch group): Title tba
- David Goyer (Künzel group): "Acetylcholinergic modulation of excitability in spherical bushy cells of the gerbil"
- Christoph Schreiner (guest speaker): Title tba
- Tamara Radulovic/Sasa Jovanovic (Milenkovic group): "Purinergic modulation is required for development of tuning properties of central auditory brainstem neurons"
- Mandy Sonntag/Maren Blosa: "The extracellular matrix component brevican is essential for fast synaptic transmission in the auditory brainstem"
- Lena Ebbers (Nothwang group)/Katrin Janz (Friauf group): "The role of L-type Ca2+ channels in the auditory brainstem"
- Ursula Koch (Koch group): Title tba
- Rudolf Rübsamen (Rübsamen group): Title tba
- Elin Kronander (Schneggenburger group): "An organotypic culture system to study molecular mechanisms of auditory synapse development"
- Felix Felmy (Felmy group): "Determinance of excitability in neurons of the VNLL in gerbils"
- Martin Fuhr (Friauf group): „Asynchronous transmitter release during high frequency stimulation“
- Martin Kempe (Vollmer group): "Neural coding of interaural time differences with bilateral cochlear implants: effects of chronic stimulation"
- Andrej Kral (Kral group): Title tba
- Günter Ehret (Ehret group): "Temporal precision of coding in the mouse auditory brainstem: ABR data"
- Friederike Stephani (Engel group): "Ca2+ current recordings from cultured dissociated spiral ganglion neurons"
- Jonathan Ashmore (guest speaker): "Seeing Hearing: coupling between hair cells and other tales"
- Adam Peterson (Peter Heil): "Modeling the phase-locking auditory-nerve fibers"
- Werner Hemmert (Hemmert group): "Modeling and evaluation methods for utra-precise temporal coding"
- Martin Göpfert (Göpfert group): "In search of the mysterious gating springs"
- Dimitri Gorbunov (Oliver group): "The molecular structure of prestin: recent progress"
- Zhizi Jing/Maria Picher (Moser group): "The role of calcium binding protein 2 in synaptic sound encoding"
- Zhizi Jing (Strenzke group): "Sound encoding at the inner hair cell synapse - what we can learn from single auditory nerve fiber recordings in mice with synaptic deficiencies"
- Kerstin Blum/Tobias Eckrich/Jutta Engel/Friederike Stephani (Engel group): "Electrophysiological recordings and Ca2+ imaging in neonatal mouse spiral ganglion neurons"
- Thomas Künzel/David Goyer (Künzel group): "Modulation of input-output function in gerbil spherical bushy cells: in-vitro and in-silico experiments"
- Donata Oertel (guest speaker): “The role of low-voltage-activated K+ and hyperpolarization-activated conductances in hearing”
- Ivan Milenkovic/Sasa Jovanovic (Milenkovic group):"Purinergic modulation of neuronal activity in developing auditory brainstem circuits"
- Markus Morawski (Morawski group):"Impact of the extracellular matrix component brevican on the central auditory pathway"
- Hans Gerd Nothwang (Nothwang group): "Overlapping and distinct roles of L-type Calcium channels in the auditory brainstem"
- Martin Fuhr (Friauf group): "The inhibitory MNTB-LSO connection: Intermitted high frequency stimulation and the role of glycine transporter 2"
- Rudolf Rübsamen (Rübsamen group): "Inhibition dynamically shapes acoustic responsiveness in spherical bushy cells"
- Enida Gjoni (Schneggenburger group): "Inhibition - excitation imbalance in the LSO"
- Christina Berger (Felmy group):"Biophysics and synaptic transmission at a large auditoy synapse"
- Veronika Baumann (Koch group): “Electrophysiological, pharmacological and anatomical evidence for alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the VNLL of mice”
- Martin Kempe (Vollmer group):„Effects of deafness onset and deafness duration on neural sensitivity to interaural time differences in gerbil auditory brainstem"
- Alice Burghard (Kral group): „Temporal properties of midbrain neurons”
- Gerard Borst (guest speaker): “Testing the Jeffress hypothesis”
- Günter Ehret (Ehret group): "Concepts of time domain processing from data of the mouse inferior colliculus"
- Alexander Volk (Kubisch group): "Identification of a novel gene for autosomal dominant auditory neuropathy"
- Adam Peterson (Heil group): "A model of the phase-locking of auditory-nerve fibers"
- Marek Rudnicki (Hemmert group): "Sharpening of temporal features in the spike trains of cochlear nucleus neurons"
- Marlies Knipper (guest speaker): "Lessions crucial for precise information processing learned from transgenic mice"
Karina Cramer, Irvine
Nace Golding, Austin
Paul Manis, Chaoel Hill
Laurence Trussell, Portland
Laurel Carney, Rochester
Philip Joris, Leuven
John Rinzel, New York
Susan Shore, Ann Arbor
Karen Steel, London
Sonja Pyott, Groningen
Tobias Moser, Göttingen
Benedikt Grothe, München
Rudolf Rübsamen, Leipzig
Monika Stengl, Kassel
Marc Spehr, Aachen
Veronika Egger, Regensburg
Michael Schmuker, Berlin
Ian Forsythe, Leicester
Christoph Schreiner, San Francisco
Jonathan Ashmore, London
Donata Oertel, Madison
Gerard Borst, Rotterdam
Marlies Knipper, Tübingen