National Research Fundings / Structure Building

National Research Funding


The national research affairs officer and the officer for Fusion in the field of research & cross-border networks are the contact person for all funding programs in the national area. We are happy to advise you on all questions regarding the application process and support you in the coordination processes with the university leaders and administration. We also inform you about different funding opportunities and scholarship programs: e.g. via our newsletter or individually for your research idea.


Selected public information ressources



Profile Building


  • Strategic counseling for structure development and profile building of the University 
  • Central office for all research centers and priority areas within the Research Initiative of the Federal State of Rhineland Palatinate
  • Support of all coordinated research (except EU or internationally funded) at RPTU

Contact persons

Dr. Lena Josch, M.P.A.

Building 47, Room 714
Georg-Friedrich-Dentzel-Straße 24, Room 2.12
Phone: +49 631 205 4304
Mail: lena.josch[at] 

apl. Prof. Dr. Marcus Naumer

Building 47, Room 714
Georg-Friedrich-Dentzel-Straße 24, Room 2.12
Phone: +49 151 10936877
Mail: marcus.naumer[at]