In the field of scientific applications, primarily optical surfaces as well as micro structured and nano structured surfaces are investigated. Such high-resolution optics are required, for example, in astrophysics.
In industrial applications (e. g. bearings, gear pairings, dynamic seals), productivity, economical manufacturing and often tribology are of great importance. This is where LPME comes in by researching ultra-precision and micro technology processes and realizing them as prototypes, which significantly reduce the process time with the same or improved accuracy and enable the production of components with reduced friction in application. New process chains, which are to be investigated experimentally and with simulation support, also contribute to this. Examples of this are so-called hybrid additive-subtractive process chains, which consist of several cyclically successive additive and subtractive manufacturing steps.
Products for end customers are another focus of research in the area application. Here, it is planned to manufacture prototypes of micro sensors and micro actuators for mass-produced products as well as individualized microproducts (e. g. for applications in medical technology).