Research colloquium of the potential area
"Transformation and digitalization of region and city"

"One of the lessons I have learned in the various phases of my career is that science is not done alone. Progress is only made through conversations and exchanges with others." - Carol W. Greider, Nobel laureate

The research colloquium is intended to further promote and expand the scientific exchange between members of the "Region and City" potential area. Once a month, two current research projects are presented and then discussed. The event is primarily aimed at members of "Region and City", other specialist areas, primarily spatial and environmental planning, their professors, post-docs and doctoral students, project staff and guest researchers.

The colloquia take place once a month during the lecture period as presentation dates. This means that two current research projects are presented for a maximum of one hour in an informal setting, each lasting 15 minutes, and then discussed. In the tradition of American brown bag lunches, the colloquium takes place during the lunch break and offers the opportunity to eat lunch.

If you are also part of the Potential Area Region and City and would like to present a project from your research topics (current or completed research projects within the last 3 years), please contact:  Viola Mathein, Department IPS.


18. Forschungskolloquium zum Thema:

Digitalisierung und Transformation in Policies

18. Forschungskolloquium zum Thema:

Digitalisierung und Transformation in Policies

17. Forschungskolloquium zum Thema:


16. Forschungskolloquium zum Thema:


15. Forschungskolloquium zum Thema:


14. Forschungskolloquium zum Thema:

Smart City II

13. Forschungskolloquium zum Thema:

Smart City I

12. Forschungskolloquium zum Thema:

Regenwassermanagement und Hochwasserschutz im Siedlungsgefüge II

11. Forschungskolloquium zum Thema:

Regenwassermanagement und Hochwasserschutz im Siedlungsgefüge I

10. Forschungskolloquium zum Thema:

Linking Borderlands

9. Forschungskolloquium zum Thema:

Ageing Smart – Räume intelligent gestalten

8. Forschungskolloquium zum Thema:

Mobilitätswende: Fahrrad

7. Forschungskolloquium zum Thema:

Covid-19-Effekte in der Planung und Forschung 

6. Forschungskolloquium zum Thema:

Covid-19 Effekte in der Planung und Forschung

5. Forschungskolloquium zum Thema:

Stadterneuerung & Revitalisierung in Deutschland und Europa

4. Forschungskolloquium zum Thema:

Neue Ansprüche an Siedlungsstrukturen

3. Forschungskolloquium zum Thema:

Border Studies

2. Forschungskolloquium zum Thema:

Intelligente Ansätze für ländliche Räume

1. Forschungskolloquium zum Thema:

Energieleitplanung und Grüne Infrastruktur