Central project
Coordination of FOR2092
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Jörg Nickelsen
Prof. Dr. Jörg Nickelsen acts as coordinator and main contact person of the Research Unit FOR2092.
Core technology: Electron microscopy
Core technology leader: Prof. Dr. Stefan Geimer
Electron microscopy represents a central and essential technique for the entire Research Unit FOR2092 and is employed to elucidate the spatial organization of various thylakoid membrane biogenesis processes in a wide range of model organisms including G. violaceus, Synechocystis 6803, C. reinhardtii, A. thaliana and N. tabacum.
Bioinformatics leader: Prof. Dr. Michael Schroda
A web-based information and data management system will be generated and implemented to support the exchange of knowledge within the Research Unit FOR2092. This system will allow cross-species comparisons of functions and intracellular localizations of factors involved in thylakoid membrane biogenesis.