News im Bereich Gleichstellung, Vielfalt und Familie

Workshop "Apply successfully"

Vorderansicht des grünen Flyers "Erfolgreich studieren - Zukunft gestalten", Workshop-Reihe der Studentinnen der RPTU, Sommersemester 2023

Workshop "Apply successfully"

April 24, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m

Interested female students receive an introduction to the application process and the customs on the German job market.


At the end of the workshop, the participants know how to apply successfully and develop their individual search and application strategy.


  • Relevance of advance clarification
  • Brief outline of the research
    Company search: online / initiative / networks / telephone contact
  • Content of application documents
    Brief address of cover letter, CV, photo etc.
  • Interviews
    • Preparation and planning of an interview
    • Body language, breathing techniques
    • Typical questions and inadmissible questions
    • Questions from the participant to the employer
    • Farewell & Agreements
  • Postprocessing
    • Questions: follow-up in writing and by telephone
    • Constructive-critical handling of rejections


Methods & Techniques

  • Impulse lecture, technical input, video examples
  • Group discussion, guided reflections
  • Individual work, small group work and practical role plays


Target Group

Participants of the mentoring projects, German and international students of RPTU


Yvonne Schmitz, coaching & mediation, business administration graduate, trainer, coach & mediator


Anmeldungen sind ab sofort bei Christine Klein, Geschäftsstelle Kaiserslautern, möglich zv-mentoring(at)

Vorderansicht des grünen Flyers "Erfolgreich studieren - Zukunft gestalten", Workshop-Reihe der Studentinnen der RPTU, Sommersemester 2023



Workshop "Apply successfully"

S. Karnel 24. April 2023

Standort Kaiserslautern Workshop "Apply successfully", April 24, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m, Yvonne Schmitz

Vorderansicht des grünen Flyers "Erfolgreich studieren - Zukunft gestalten", Workshop-Reihe der Studentinnen der RPTU, Sommersemester 2023

Workshop "Apply successfully"

April 24, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m

Interested female students receive an introduction to the application process and the customs on the German job market.


At the end of the workshop, the participants know how to apply successfully and develop their individual search and application strategy.


  • Relevance of advance clarification
  • Brief outline of the research
    Company search: online / initiative / networks / telephone contact
  • Content of application documents
    Brief address of cover letter, CV, photo etc.
  • Interviews
    • Preparation and planning of an interview
    • Body language, breathing techniques
    • Typical questions and inadmissible questions
    • Questions from the participant to the employer
    • Farewell & Agreements
  • Postprocessing
    • Questions: follow-up in writing and by telephone
    • Constructive-critical handling of rejections


Methods & Techniques

  • Impulse lecture, technical input, video examples
  • Group discussion, guided reflections
  • Individual work, small group work and practical role plays


Target Group

Participants of the mentoring projects, German and international students of RPTU


Yvonne Schmitz, coaching & mediation, business administration graduate, trainer, coach & mediator


Anmeldungen sind ab sofort bei Christine Klein, Geschäftsstelle Kaiserslautern, möglich zv-mentoring(at)


Zentrale Gleichstellungsbeauftragte

Büro der Zentralen Gleichstellungsbeauftragten

Bürgerstraße 23
Gebäude BS | EG
76829 Landau in der Pfalz


Zentrale Gleichstellungsbeauftragte
Prof. Dr. Francesca Vidal
Sitz: RPTU in Landau
T +49 (0) 6341 280-32770
E francesca.vidal[at]

Stellv. Zentrale Gleichstellungsbeauftragte
Prof. Dr. Gabi Troeger-Weiß
Sitz: RPTU in Kaiserslautern
T +49 (0) 631 205-4701
E gabi.troegerweiss[at]


Stabsstelle Gleichstellung, Vielfalt & Familie

Geschäftsstelle Kaiserslautern

Postfach 3049
67653 Kaiserslautern
Gebäude 57, Erdgeschoss


Dr. Cornelia Rövekamp
T +49 (0)631 205-5902
E c.roevekamp[at]

Dipl.-Sozialwiss. Leslie Schleese
Gebäude: 57 Raum: 271
T +49(0)631 250-4323
E l.schleese[at]


Geschäftsstelle Landau

Bürgerstraße 23
76829 Landau in der Pfalz
Gebäude BS, Erdgeschoss



Dr. Jane Kühn
Gebäude BS, Raum 135
T +49(0)6341 280-37252
E jane.kuehn[at]

Familienservice Koordination
Eva Borries
T +49 (0) 6341-280-32539
Gebäude BS, Raum 044
E eva.borries[at]

Familienservice Sekretariat
Pia Fahrnschon
T +49 (0) 6341-280-32415
Gebäude BS, Raum 072
