WERA's qualification program
Compulsory area
Meetings and seminars
- WERA-Meeting: monthly meeting between PhDs and at least 2 supervisors from the fields of natural sciences and engineering
- WERA-Status-Seminar: semi-annual seminar with WERA plenum (PhDs + associated PhDs + supervisors), 1-2 days, RPTU
- WERA-Exchange-Seminar: semi-annual PhD-only seminar, 1-2 days, RPTU
- WERA-Summerschool: annual seminar with WERA plenum (PhDs + associated PhDs + supervisors) and guests, 2-4 days, conference hotel
- Guest program: keynote lectures by internationally renowned experts in the field of P-recovery, wastewater treatment, recycling management and specific topics of WERA's research projects
- WERA-Report: quarterly reports from the PhDs to document the research results and prepare for future publications
- Publications in international journals
Further qualification measures
- Presentations at international conferences
- Research stays at international research institutions

WERA's study program
Compulsory area
Lecture series "Raw Material Recovery from Wastewater" (14 events of 2 h each)
- Chemical basics
- Phosphate detection and binding strategies (Kubik)
- Phosphorus recovery and recycling “Closing the Loop” (Steinmetz/Kubik)
- Synthesis and characterization of microporous materials (Kleist)
- Adsorber materials for recyclable materials from wastewater (Thiel)
- Physical basics and measurement technology
- Thermodynamics of crystallization – fundamentals for the design of technical separation processes (Jirasek)
- Mössbauer spectroscopy for the characterization of complex ferrous systems (Schünemann)
- Molecular simulation as an atomistic magnifying glass: Insights into adsorption processes for the recovery of valuable materials (Stephan)
- Fluorescence sensors for the detection of critical elements in wastewater (Becker)
- Basics of separation processes and applications
- Mechanical separation processes for the recovery of recyclable materials (Antonyuk)
- Magnetic separation methods in downstream processing (Ulber)
- Adsorptive separation processes in wastewater treatment (von Harbou)
- Process analysis methods (von Harbou)
- Wastewater as a resource (Steinmetz)
- Concepts and technologies for P recovery from wastewater (Steinmetz)
Workshop "Good Scientific Practice" (TU Nachwuchsring, 1 day)
Workshop "Writing scientific publications" (TU Nachwuchsring, 1 day)
Workshop "Data Management" (TU Nachwuchsring, 1 day)

Compulsory elective area
5 workshops/lectures to choose from
WERA's workshops (1-2 days each)
- Process analysis in wastewater treatment (Steinmetz, Antonyuk, von Harbou)
- Material synthesis (Becker, Thiel, Kleist, Kubik, Ulber)
- Measurement and analysis methods (Thiel, Kleist, Kubik, Jirasek, Schünemann, Becker, Antonyuk, Ulber, von Harbou)
- Separation and adsorption processes (Kleist, Stephan, Jirasek, Antonyuk, Ulber, von Harbou, Steinmetz)
- Physical and data-driven thermodynamic modeling (Stephan, Jirasek)
- Model applications in process engineering (Stephan, Jirasek, Ulber, von Harbou)
- Precipitation and crystallization processes (Becker, Schünemann, Jirasek, Steinmetz, von Harbou, Antonyuk)
- Circular economy concepts and processes (Thiel, Kleist, Steinmetz)
- Fundamentals of complex chemistry and synthesis methods (Thiel, Kubik, Becker)
- Microbial systems in recycling (Ulber)
- Environmental compatibility and life cycle assessments (Dept. of Spatial- and Environmental Planning)
- Ecotoxicology (Dept. of Chemistry und Dept. of Natural and Environmental Sciences)
Basic lectures (each 14 events of 2-4 h, partly held in German)
- Lectures in natural sciences:
- Summer semester: Chemische Reaktionstechnik (Kleist), Chemische Produktionsverfahren (Kleist), Supramolecular Chemistry (Kubik), Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Mössbauer-Spektroskopie (Schünemann), Homogene Katalyse (Thiel), Molekulare Thermodynamik II (Stephan), Bioanalytik & Bioprozessanalytik I (Ulber), Interdisziplinäres Symposium zur Nachhaltigkeit (Becker)
- Winter semester: Anorganische Funktionsmaterialien (Thiel), Analytische Chemie (Becker), Angewandte heterogene Katalyse (Kleist), Grenzflächenthermodynamik (Stephan), Molekulare Thermodynamik I (Stephan), Bioanalytik & Bioprozessanalytik I (Ulber)
- Lectures in engineering sciences:
- Summer semester: Sewage Sludge Treatment (Steinmetz), Chemische Verfahrenstechnik (von Harbou), Abfallbehandlung (Antonyuk), Praktikum Abwasserentsorgung und Gewässer (Steinmetz)
- Winter semester: Verfahrenstechnik der Abwasserreinigung (Steinmetz), Verfahrenstechnik der Ressourcenrückgewinnung (Steinmetz), Aktuelle Themen der Siedlungswasserwirtschaft (Steinmetz), Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik/Fest-Flüssig-Trennung (Antonyuk), Maschinelles Lernen in der Verfahrenstechnik (Jirasek), Bioraffinerie (Ulber), Wärmeübertragung (Jirasek), Erweiterte Methoden der Thermischen Trenntechnik (von Harbou)