Organized by
Prof. Dr. Thomas Lachmann
Dr. Wibke Hachmann
Dr. Tina Weis
Logo by Arthur Thieme
Sponsors: The Federal State of Rhineland-Palatine, DFG (German Research Foundation) and Tobii Pro Germany
From Basic Perception to Higher-Order Cognition
This meeting of the Center for Cognitive Science at RPTU brings together an exclusive international group of experts on written language acquisition and developmental dyslexia. The focus of the meeting will be on synergies between cognitive, perceptual, and neurological bases of reading and of dyslexia to unite basic and higher order cognitive processing approaches in the field. Visual theories of reading and dyslexia have gained growing influence over the last years. We therefore aim to integrate established hypotheses with new approaches and to discuss relations between visual and phonological aspects of reading from a cognitive science perspective.
The conference venue Villa Kurhaus Trifels in Annweiler is located about 40 km south of Kaiserslautern and 75 km east of Heidelberg in the “Pfaelzerwald” (Palatine Forest), one of the biggest natural forest parks in Europe. For more information have a closer look at social events and how to get there.