Upcoming Events

2024 Doctoral Symposium on Cognitive Science: Beyond Averages - Individual Differences in Cognition
November 12-14, 2024
The Center for Cognitive Science (University of Kaiserslautern-Landau) and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) are pleased to announce that the 2024 Doctoral Symposium of the German Society for Cognitive Science (GK) will be held from November 12th to 14th, 2024, in the Palatinate Forest, Frankenstein, Germany. This symposium aims to have a social impact by providing a platform for young researchers to discuss their ongoing work in the interdisciplinary field of Cognitive Science.
We invite all PhD candidates to participate in this symposium, which will focus on individual differences in cognition. Our objective is to offer insights from various disciplines within Cognitive Science, such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and neuroscientific methods. All talks, hands-on methods workshops, and interactive poster session will be in English.
We invite PhD candidates to participate! If you are interested, please contact us at phdsymposium2024[at]gmail.com.
On Thursday the 14th, we will host the poster session in the morning at building 57 (at RPTU Kaiserslautern). To participate in our poster session, please submit your abstract (maximum 200 words) to the email above.
We look forward to your participation in the 2024 Doctoral Symposium on Cognitive Science!
Keynote Speaker:
Our keynote talk will be held by Prof. Dr. Gregor Schöner on the Dynamic Field Theory.
Accommodation and fees:
- There is no registration fee.
- We are pleased to offer on-site accommodation in single rooms for a limited number of participants. Please feel free to reach out to us for availability.
- We also offer travel grants upon application—up to 100 Euros for participants living in Germany and up to 250 Euros for international participants.
- Meals and refreshments will be provided throughout the event.
Villa Denis, Frankenstein
We gratefully acknowledge the support of the German Society for Cognitive Science.
The Organizing Committee
Hannah Plueckebaum, Jan Petershans, Laís Muntini, & Zhino Ebrahimi
In the Past
Haaß-Talk 2023
This year, the prestigious Haass Talk is organized by the Faculty of Social Sciences. It is our great pleasure to announce one of the leading scholars in the field of psychology and law, Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Loftus from the University of California, Irvine. As the world's leading expert on the psychology of eyewitness testimony, her groundbreaking research on the fallibility of eyewitness memories, the distortion of memories over time, and the possibility of creating false memories that cannot be distinguished from genuine ones is known to virtually every student of psychology, sociology, and law around the world. In Kaiserslautern, she will give a one-hour overview of her research over the past few decades and ask whether memory is just a fiction.
Elisabeth F. Loftus (University of California, Irvine)
The Fiction of Memory
For several decades, I have been manufacturing memories in unsuspecting minds. Sometimes, these techniques change details of events that someone actually experienced. Other times, the techniques create entire memories of events that never happened; they create “rich false memories.” Collectively, this work shows that people can be led to believe they did things that would have been rather implausible. They can be led to falsely believe they had experiences that would have been emotional or traumatic had they actually happened. False memories, like true ones, also have consequences for people—affecting their later thoughts, intentions, and behaviors. Can we tell true memories from false ones? In several studies, I created false memories in the minds of people, compared them to true memories, and discovered that once planted, those false memories look very much like true memories. They have similar behavioral characteristics, emotionality, and neural signatures. Considered as a whole, these findings raise important questions: If false memories can be so readily planted in the mind, do we need to think about “regulating” this mind technology? And what do these pseudomemories say about the nature of memory itself?
Thursday, July 13th 2023
HS52-207 (Chemistry Building, ground floor)
3:30-5:00 pm
Entrance starts 3:00 pm
Admission is free of charge. Note, however, that seats are limited. Therefore, we strongly recommend seat reservation by using the following link: Reservation
Online participation:
Contact: Dr. Ann-Kathrin Beck, akbeck[at]rptu.de
Download flyer

Welcome to the
European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (ECCE) 2022
ECCE is the leading conference in human-media interaction and cognitive ergonomics. It provides an opportunity for both researchers and practitioners to exchange new ideas and practical experiences for a variety of domains.
The special theme of 33rd ECCE conference, which will be held October 4-7, 2022 in Kaiserslautern, Germany, is:
Evaluating the Reality–Virtuality Continuum
It is dedicated to a variety of research areas and applications that are encompassed by the so-called Reality-Virtuality continuum: These include systems that are used in real-world settings such as applications scaling from smart devices to large industrial setups, as well as Mixed Reality (MR) applications that integrate real and virtual objects, and Virtual Reality (VR) applications that immerse users into purely virtual environments. Contributions to ECCE 2022 may investigate the interaction with any of these systems and propose enhancements to their design, development, or evaluation.
General chairs
Achim Ebert, RPTU, Germany
Thomas Lachmann, RPTU, Germany

The Center for Cognitive Science at the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau is pleased to invite you to the 4th workshop of the Society for the Cognitive Science of Culture to be held on October 1-2, 2021 (Friday and Saturday).
The workshop will take place as a hybrid event; invited speakers will attend the workshop in person, but the talks will be streamed in live via Zoom so that anyone interested can follow the event from home.
Invited talks:
- Susana Araújo (University of Lisbon, Portugal; Universidade do Algarve, Portugal)
- Jon Adoni Duñabeitia (Universidad Nebrija, Spain; The Arctic University of Norway)
- Zohar Eviatar (University of Haifa, Israel)
- São Luís Castro (University of Porto, Portugal; ISCTE-IUL, Portugal)
- Tânia Fernandes (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
- Alexis Hervais-Adelman (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
- Falk Huettig (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Netherlands; Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands)
- Régine Kolinsky (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
- Thomas Lachmann (RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany; Universidad Nebrija, Spain)
- José Morais (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
- Manuel Perea (Universitat de València, Spain; Universidad Nebrija, Spain)
- Alexandra Reis (Universidade do Algarve, Portugal)
- David Share (University of Haifa, Israel)
- Mithun Haridas (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, Kerala, India)
- Thomas Lachmann
- Réka Vágvölgyi
- Kirstin Bergström
- Aleksandar Bulajić
Program Committee:
- Daniela Czernochowski
- Shanley Allen
- Falk Huettig
- Maria Klatte
- Thomas Lachmann
In the case of organizational or technical issues, please contact Réka Vágvölgyi: reka.vagvoelgyi[at]sowi.uni-kl.de
The Conference
Psycholinguistics in Flanders (PiF) is an annual conference that is dedicated to the field of the psychology of language. PiF started in 2002 in Belgium and has quickly gained relevance in Europe thanks to the growing participation of international presenters and attendees. Although it is most often held in Belgium, it is occasionally held in neighboring countries. The Faculty of Social Sciences at the Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau is honored that its researchers have been selected to host the conference in 2020, together with a committee of two other universities in the UniGR: Université de Liège (Belgium) and Universität des Saarlandes (Germany).
The conference is targeted to PhD students and post-docs in psycholinguistics broadly defined, offering them a friendly but professional environment to present their research, network with other early-career and more senior scholars, form new collaborations, and develop future career plans. Senior scholars also attend and provide feedback, but first authors and presenters must all be junior scholars. We welcome contributions from researchers working in psycholinguistics from different perspectives (psychological, neurocognitive, linguistic, computational), interested in various aspects of language such as reading, text comprehension, word processing, learning, speech production, speech perception, etc. The quality of presentations is high, given that they are selected on the basis of anonymously reviewed abstracts.

Graduate Symposium Learning & Memory in Cognitive Science
Frankenstein, Kaiserslautern 11.-13. March 2020
In March 2020, we proudly present the first Graduate Symposium for PhD candidates and young PostDocs on the subject of “Learning and Memory in Cognitive Science”. The Symposium will take place near Kaiserslautern in March 11-13, 2020.
This Symposium will open a platform for young scientists to present the current state of their PhD-projects providing the opportunity to receive real peer-feedback. New insights on the topics learning and memory will be provided by our keynote speakers Bertram Opitz (Martin Luther University, Halle, Germany) and Alexandra Hering (University of Geneva, Switzerland). Furthermore, this symposium is one of the very few so far that offer the possibility to discuss PhD-related issues with the professional PhD-trainer Marlies Klamt (Podcast: “Glücklich Promovieren”).
Keynote Speakers

Alexandra Hering
Cognitive Aging Lab
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Science
University of Geneva

Betram Opitz
Brain & Behaviour Group
Faculty of Health and Medical Science
University of Surrey, GB
Martin Luther University
Halle, Germany

Marlies Klamt
PhD trainer
Organized By
Ann-Kathrin Beck
Larissa Leist
Petra Ludowicy, M.Sc.

The Psycholinguistics and Language Development Group and the Center for Cognitive Science at the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau (Germany) are pleased to invite you to a two-day symposium on bilingual and L2 processing to be held on 14-15 April 2016 (Thursday and Friday).
The study of language processing, the on-line mental operations that occur while we comprehend or produce words and sentences, has gained considerable attention in recent years. Whereas substantial knowledge has been gathered on the mental processes involved in L1 processing, much less research has been conducted on bilingual and L2 processing in adults and children. The goal of this symposium is to bring together researchers who focus on bilingual and L2 processing such as the existence of a default processing strategy, the extent to which the mechanisms used in L1 processing are the same in bilingual/L2 processing, crosslinguistic influence in L1 and L2 processing, the role of individual differences in bilingual/L2 processing, and how bilingual/L2 processing can provide insights into the architecture and mechanisms of linguistic representation.
Invited speakers
- Paola Giuli Dussias (The Pennsylvania State University)
- Theodoros Marinis (University of Reading)
- Guillaume Thierry (Bangor University)

HexKoP 2015

13.11.2015 - 15.11.2015
- Melanie Schröder (melanie.schroeder[at]sowi.uni-kl.de)
- Jennifer Prodan (jprodan[at]rhrk.uni-kl.de)
- Sonja Karnel (karnel[at]sowi.uni-kl.de)
- Thomas Schmidt (thomas.schmidt[at]sowi.uni-kl.de)
- Peter Kohl (PeterMK[at]web.de)
- Julia Brishtel (yuliabrishtel[at]gmail.com)
- Sven Panis (sven.panis[at]sowi.uni-kl.de)
- Maria Fattler
Organized by
Prof. Dr. Thomas Lachmann
Dr. Wibke Hachmann
Dr. Tina Weis
Logo by Arthur Thieme
Sponsors: The Federal State of Rhineland-Palatine, DFG (German Research Foundation) and Tobii Pro Germany
From Basic Perception to Higher-Order Cognition
This meeting of the Center for Cognitive Science at RPTU brings together an exclusive international group of experts on written language acquisition and developmental dyslexia. The focus of the meeting will be on synergies between cognitive, perceptual, and neurological bases of reading and of dyslexia to unite basic and higher order cognitive processing approaches in the field. Visual theories of reading and dyslexia have gained growing influence over the last years. We therefore aim to integrate established hypotheses with new approaches and to discuss relations between visual and phonological aspects of reading from a cognitive science perspective.
The conference venue Villa Kurhaus Trifels in Annweiler is located about 40 km south of Kaiserslautern and 75 km east of Heidelberg in the “Pfaelzerwald” (Palatine Forest), one of the biggest natural forest parks in Europe. For more information have a closer look at social events and how to get there.
Speakers, amongst others
- Paulo Ventura
- Malt Joshi
- Jose Morais
- Tania Fernandes
- Thomas Lachmann
- Falk Huettig
- Orly Lipka
- Sebastian Korinth
- Angela Fawcett
- Rod Nicolson
- Angela Friederici
- Laurent Cohen
- Ken Pugh
- Heinz Wimmer
- Al Galaburda
- Fanck Ramus
- John Stein
- Carol Witton
- Joel Talcott
- Michael Skeide
- Sara Mascheretti
- Merav Ahissar
- Maria Mittag
- Manon Jones
- Claudia Steinbrink
- Susana Araujo
- Paula Tallal
- Regine Kolinsky
- Andrea Facoetti

RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany, July 3rd, 2015
This international symposium is the first of three organized by the new Center for Cognitive Science at the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, which is funded by the Research Initiative of the Federal State of Rhineland-Palatine. On July 3rd, 2015, we welcome international researchers from leading laboratories in information processing research here in Kaiserslautern to discuss new ideas on "Attention and Dynamic Aspects of Cognition" and on "Human Recognition and Memory Processing on Different Time Scales". As invited speakers we have, amongst others, George Sperling and Stephen Link
Organized by
Programme Committee
Prof. Dr. Daniela Czernochowski
Prof. Dr. Tandra Ghose
Prof. Dr. Maria Klatte
Prof. Dr. Thomas Lachmann
Prof. Dr. Cees van Leeuwen
Dr. Sven Panis
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmidt
Dr. Tina Weis