Senate Committee for Equal Opportunities (SaG)

The Senate of RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau appoints a Committee for Gender Equality (§ 4 HochSchG). The Senate Committee for Equal Opportunities (SaG) supports the Equal Opportunities Officer(s) in the fulfillment of their duties. 


On 24.04.2023, the 1st meeting of the joint Senate Committee for Gender Equality (SaG) of the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau took place at the Landau site.

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Committee for Equal Opportunity Issues (§ 4 HochSchG)

The Committee for Equal Opportunity Issues supports the Equal Opportunity Officer(s) in fulfilling their duties. The composition of the Senate Committee for Gender Equality at RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau was newly decided and appointed by the full Senate in February 2023 for a period of three years.

Composition Senate Committee for Gender Equality (SaG)
Chairpersonapl. Prof. Dr. Francesca Vidal
(central equal opportunities officer)
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Karina M. Pallagst
(deputy central equal opportunities officer)
Representation of the university managementProf. Dr. Gabriele E. Schaumann 

Prof. Dr. Heike Leitte (KL)

Prof. Dr. Elke Neu-Ruffing (KL) (seit 10.07.2024)

Prof. Dr. Melanie Steffens (LD)

Prof. Dr. Lisa Rosen (LD)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Hoffmann (KL)

Prof. Dr. James Anglin (KL) (seit 10.07.2024)

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Basten (LD)

Prof. Tina Stolt (LD)

Academic Staff

Dr. Ines Welzenbach-Vogel (LD)

Dr.-Ing. Sandra Wolff (KL)

Dr. Christian Dorsch (LD) (seit 10.07.2024)

Dr.-Ing. Kirsten Mangels (KL)

Non-Academic or Academic-Supporting Staff

Iris Haffner (KL)

Juliane Märdian (LD)

Marieluise Demuth (KL)

Martina Weiß (LD)


Nancy Tega (KL) (seit 10.07.2024)

Amelie Schindler (LD) (seit 10.07.2024)

David Braun (KL)

Anna Staiger (LD) (seit 10.07.2024)

Permanent guests:

Dr. Sarah Nienhaus (Head of the Equality, Diversity and Family Office)
Dr. Cornelia Rövekamp (Head of the Equality, Diversity and Family Office - Branch Office KL)

KL = University in Kaiserslautern
LD = University in Landau

Stand: 25.10.2024

Next Meeting

  • 14.02.2025 in Landau