Interdisciplinary Research Group: Environment

The Interdisciplinary Research Group 'Environment' (IRG Environment) is a network for the analysis of interactions between the environment, the individual and society. Uncertainties and discourses play a central role in the identification and analysis of environmental risks and scientific uncertainties (environmental sciences), their classification in public discourse (social and communication sciences) and the experience and behavior in the population (psychology) related to risks.

We are guided by the concept of planetary boundaries. Furthermore, the IRG 'Environment' is oriented towards transformation research. Social challenges on the way to a sustainable socio-ecological society should be analyzed and evaluated. In addition to their research projects, the members of the IRG 'Environment' bring their expertise to the human and environmental degree program. In addition, IRG 'Environment' promotes and supports the development of interdisciplinary structures on the Landau campus and with the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau.


Specific goals are:

  • Joint development of questions, implementation of interdisciplinary research projects and mutual advice in disciplinary projects
  • Completion of habilitations and doctorates (during which qualified scientists can develop into interdisciplinary personalities)
  • Promotion of interdisciplinary synergies within the Landau campus and with the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau
  • Expansion of an interdisciplinary network and sustainable positioning of the group inside and outside the university
  • Development and expansion of subject-specific and interdisciplinary skills
  • Conception and structure of an interdisciplinary Master Degree program in addition to the Bachelor of Arts Degree, "Humans and the Environment"