
On the basis of the long-term cooperation with the University of Namibia, especially with the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at the José Eduardo dos Santos campus in Ongwediva, several student projects and degree theses with practical work on site have already been realized. For the students, the impressions and insights, which are gained directly on the spot, provide an enormous added value: This allows them to link the theoretical foundations with practical knowledge and expand their professional as well as cultural horizons.

In addition, joint events and conferences are in the focus of the strategic partnership. One example of this is the solemn inauguration of the pilot plant for rainwater harvesting and agricultural use on the campus of the University of Namibia in Ongwediva in April 2015, which was accompanied by a conference on "Rainwater harvesting and its research potential for the University of Namibia". In this project, from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau, the Institute for Construction Material Technology (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Breit) and the Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Management (Prof. Dr. Jüpner) were involved, other partners were CuveWaters (Mr. Jokisch, Technical University Darmstadt) and the Freie Universität Berlin (Prof. Dr. Achim Schulte). The entire project was financially supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).