Postdoc Appreciation Week 2024

This year, German research institutions, networks & organizations have teamed up again to offer a joint Postdoc Appreciation Week program! The event takes place from 16th - 20th of September. You can find detailed information and the program on their website:

The RPTU offers following workshop on 16th of September from 10.00 to 12.00 a.m. in German:
Fördermöglichkeiten für Nachwuchs- wissenschaftler*innen in Deutschland und in der EU im Überblick

The Kick-Off Event for the German Postdoc Network (GPN) takes place on 17th of September.
Please follow this link for further information and registration.

If you would like to stay informed about future events and updates from the German Postdoc Network (GPN), then register for our newsletter here.

What is the Postdoc Appreciation Week?

Postdoc Appreciation Week (PAW) was created in the US by the National Postdoctoral Association to recognize the significant contributions postdocs make to research and academic life in general. PAW is also celebrated in the United Kingdom and Ireland. In 2022, Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH) and the Munich Postdoc Network (especially from Helmholtz Munich and the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry) joined forces to establish this initiative in Germany. In 2023, the collaboration was extended to other universities, research institutions, organizations and postdoc networks across Germany to offer a joint program of events and activities for postdocs during PAW.