
Vortrag „Gutes Tun und gutes Lernen – Förderung von Campus Community Partnerships an der Universität Duisburg-Essen mit Einordnung in deutsche und internationale Kontexte“ in der hybriden Vortragsreihe „CampusTalk” von Dipl. Päd. Jörg Miller

Damage analysis in structural engineering

The renovation of existing buildings and infrastructures is becoming in the last years increasingly important. This results in an increasingly greater need to understand the real condition of building components and to objectively measure their level of damage with both qualitative and quantitative indicators. There are many known methods in the field of structural health monitoring and damage control. Among them, non-destructive testing (NDT) methods assume particular importance as they enable the evaluation of structural integrity without compromising functionality. This article explores the potential of non-destructive testing using computed tomography (CT) in the context of damage analysis for concrete structures.

Conference Paper