Vortrag „Gutes Tun und gutes Lernen – Förderung von Campus Community Partnerships an der Universität Duisburg-Essen mit Einordnung in deutsche und internationale Kontexte“ in der hybriden Vortragsreihe „CampusTalk” von Dipl. Päd. Jörg Miller
ISGS Intercultural Weekend 2015
This year's annual ISGS weekend-seminar aims at training your behavior in a multicultural and globalized society, this year focusing on intercultural communication. We invite you to:
• meet and get to know students from all over the world
• build cross-cultural social skills that enable you to act, to communicate and to deal with problems successfully
• learn about interactive cultural awareness of different communication and behavior patterns and their impact on conflicts in intercultural teams
• spend two wonderful evenings together with lots of animation
• enjoy our special Christmas dinner
The seminar takes place in the Pfalzakademie in Lambrecht (www.pfalzakademie.de). We are going to travel to Lambrecht together on Friday, December 4th , at 4:45 PM from the central railway station. We will have a dinner first, then start our evening program. On Saturday, after the breakfast, we will start our seminar “Intercultural Communication”.After the lunch break we will take a walking-tour in Lambrechat and at 3 PM continue the seminar. In the evening we will have our special Christmas dinner and spend a wonderful evening together. The seminar will continue on Sunday. We will depart from Lambrecht around 5 PM and be at home by 6 PM.
Do not miss your chance!
Dates: Friday, December 4th to Sunday, December 6th , 2015
Time: Friday 6 p.m. to Sunday 5 p.m.
Venue: Pfalzakademie Lambrecht
Workshop Language: English
Own contribution: 20 € (full board and lodging included) to be paid in the ISGS Meeting Place (36-262)
Places available: 25
Certificate: will be provided
Further details will be provided upon Registration