
Vortrag „Gutes Tun und gutes Lernen – Förderung von Campus Community Partnerships an der Universität Duisburg-Essen mit Einordnung in deutsche und internationale Kontexte“ in der hybriden Vortragsreihe „CampusTalk” von Dipl. Päd. Jörg Miller

ISGS - LATEX Beginner’s Workshop (Part 2)

Writing reports and scientific publications in conventional word processing applications requires a lot of discipline to maintain a consistent form; they are prone to crash and they are not suited to produce scientific papers. With LaTeX you can concentrate on writing the content and you don`t have to waste a thought on design. The author writes the text and LaTeX does the rest. LaTeX is a typesetting system, which allows you to create large papers like theses and master theses easily.  LaTeX is very reliable and crash-free. LaTeX works on virtually all operating systems and also on stone-age computers.

In this workshop you will learn…

  •  to install the necessary editor and compiler on your own
  • about the philosophy of LaTeX, its different styles, basic  typesetting and how to create simple documents with LaTex
  • how to create simple and complex mathematic formulas and  you will learn about the advantages and pitfalls of mathematical typesetting
  • to include graphs and images in a LaTeX document

For more information and the details about the registration till November 24, 2015 please refer to the Event-Flyer