
Vortrag „Gutes Tun und gutes Lernen – Förderung von Campus Community Partnerships an der Universität Duisburg-Essen mit Einordnung in deutsche und internationale Kontexte“ in der hybriden Vortragsreihe „CampusTalk” von Dipl. Päd. Jörg Miller

ISGS Networking Dialog with 2 Managers of the Daimler AG (Human Resources & R&D)

ISGS offers students the opportunity to directly talk to 2 Managers of the Daimler AG:


Senior Manager R&D: Specification and Testing, Mr. Weber


Manager HR: Global Talent Acquisition & Development, Mr. Zapp


Registration only via email (July 10, 2015) to:

doktoranden[at]isgs.uni-kl.de > Subject: "Daimler AG".

For more details, please see the event flyer!