
Vortrag „Gutes Tun und gutes Lernen – Förderung von Campus Community Partnerships an der Universität Duisburg-Essen mit Einordnung in deutsche und internationale Kontexte“ in der hybriden Vortragsreihe „CampusTalk” von Dipl. Päd. Jörg Miller

Numerical model validation with computed tomography

In order to make accurate predictions of the structural behaviour of non-metallic reinforced concrete elements, one of the key problems in the development of this type of new material system is the capacity of modelling the load transfer mechanisms between the concrete matrix and the reinforcement elements. To predict the load-deflection response up to ultimate limit state conditions, a wide range of numerical simulation approaches, with capability of modelling the bond behaviour between the different materials has been proposed over the years and compared to experimental results. This research work presents new possibilities for comparing numerical finite elements models with laboratory data generated by computed tomography, namely in the context of three-point bending tests performed on carbon-reinforced concrete specimens. The aim is to present the potential of in situ computed tomography for validation of numerical simulations. Examples of computed tomography generated quantitative results and data visualisation are shown, which focus on generated displacement fields and crack patterns.

Conference Paper