Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU), Germany
Name: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karina Pallagst
Affiliation: RE-CITY Project Coordinator, Professor for International Planning Systems
Contact Email: karina.pallagst[at]
Research Focus: International comparative urban development, shrinking cities, urban growth, planning cultures, planning theory, and border studies.
Name: Dipl.-Ing. MSc. René Fleschurz
Affiliation: RE-CITY Project Manager, Department International Planning Systems
Contact Email:rene.fleschurz[at]
Research Focus: Shrinking cities, participatory planning, comparative analyzes, regional governance
Name: Dipl.-Ing. Patricia Hammer
Affiliation: RE-CITY Project Assistent, Department International Planning Systems
Contact Email:patricia.hammer[at]
Research Focus: Bio-economy, Eco-technologies, Road Safety and Mobility in international urban fields
Cambridge Architectural Research Ltd. (CAR), United Kingdom
Name: Dr. Helen Mulligan
Affiliation: Director, Cambridge Architectural Research Limited
Contact Email:helen.mulligan[at]
Research Focus: Climate responsive design, shrinking cities, innovative low-carbon materials, client consultation techniques, energy policy in the built environment
Name: Dr. Steve Platt
Affiliation: Director, Cambridge Architectural Research Limited
Contact Email:steve.platt[at]
Research Focus: Disaster resilience and recovery
École Normale Supérieure Paris (ENS), France
Name: Prof. Emmanuèle Cunningham-Sabot
Affiliation: École Normale Supérieure
Contact Email:sabot[at]
Research Focus: Urban dynamics, urban planning and governance
Spatial Foresight GmbH (SPF), Luxemburg
Name: Dr. Kai Böhme
Affiliation: Spatial Foresight GmbH
Contact Email:kai.boehme[at]
Research Focus: European regional and territorial studies, policy anaysis, international comparative studies, territorial impacts of sector policies
Technische Universität Dortmund (TUDO), Germany
Name: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Wiechmann
Affiliation: TU Dortmund
Contact Email:thorsten.wiechmann[at]
Research Focus: Theories, methods and procedures of spatial planning; Restructuring strategies of cities and regions undergoind demographic change; Governance and development of polycentric metropolitan areas.
Name: Dr. Letizia Imbres
Affiliation: TU Dortmund
Contact Email:letizia.imbres[at]
Research Focus: 1) Industrial restructuring and spatial change in the automotive industry (primarily in North America, Europe and East Asia); 2) Spatial, demographic and social change in "motor city-regions"; 3) Industrial location theories and policies; 4) Theories, models and methods for comparative metropolitan research.