Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany Art 3 (2)
"Men and women have equal rights. The state promotes the actual implementation of equal rights for women and men and works towards the elimination of existing disadvantages."
German universities are also committed to this constitutional mandate. For RPTU, equal opportunities for men and women, diversity and family friendliness are not only a legal mandate, but also an important commitment that we accept with great dedication.
Gender Equality plan of the RPTU
Due to the merger of the two universities TU Kaiserslautern and Landau University of the former University of Koblenz-Landau on 01.01.2023, there are currently two equality plans. The equality plan of RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau is currently being redeveloped. Until the jointly adopted equality plan of the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, the two equality plans apply at the respective locations. These are listed below:
The Gender Equality Plan of the former TU Kaiserslautern set out goals and measures to secure the next generation of academics in the public and private sectors, to integrate diverse perspectives into research and teaching and, last but not least, to strengthen the Palatinate region. The following projects will be explicitly pursued (further) in order to further promote equality and, in addition to the projects and measures already introduced or discussed, to be able to take up further topics that go beyond this:
1. further develop selection and appointment procedures
2. reduce drop-out rates
3. embrace diversity
4. enable compatibility of career/studies and family
The equal opportunities plan of the University of Koblenz-Landau applies to the RPTU in Landau. It came into force on 03.03.2020 with the approval of the University Council of the former University of Koblenz-Landau and is valid until 30.06.2023 due to the structural changes.
In addition to the general principles and objectives of gender-equitable working and studying, it also includes an analysis of the current situation, the derivation of objectives and fields of action for gender equality measures as well as general provisions.
One of the university's central tasks is to ensure and promote equal opportunities and equal chances for all genders and to eliminate discrimination.
Who are the contact persons for the implementation of gender equality measures at RPTU?
Various equal opportunities representatives and many dedicated individuals at RPTU are committed to achieving the objectives and implementing the equal opportunities measures.
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Equality plans of the faculties of the RPTU in Kaiserslautern
The Gender Equality Plan 2020-2026 of the former TU Kaiserslautern stipulates that each department must submit a gender equality plan in order to promote gender equality at this level as well. The equality plans drawn up to date can be viewed here: