Exhibits from TU Kaiserslautern at Achema 2022 at the Rhineland-Palatinate stand (Hall 6.0 / Stand A35)
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Roland Ulber, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, Chair of Bioprocess Engineering
Portable photo- and fluorimeter
The press release on the photo- and fluorimeter is available in German.
SmaEPho - smart Education Photometer
The press release about the SmaEPho is available in German and English.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sergiy Antonyuk, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, Chair of Mechanical Process Engineering
Cost-effective: Control sensors for classroom exhaust air system
The press release on the exhaust air system is available in German and English.
Neural networks - behavior prediction of non-spherical particles
The press release on particle technology is available in German and English.
Aerosols and viruses - Investigation into the protective effect of (half) masks
The press release on the protective effect of half masks is available in German and English.