Studienbegleitendes Coaching

Auf einen Blick: Studienbegleitendes Coaching

Was? Ein individuelles, professionelles Coaching, das Sie während des Studiums unterstützt

Für wen? Studierende der RPTU

Wer coacht? Ein*e Coach*in des ZIDiS

Worum geht es? Themen im Coaching können sein: Zeit- und Selbstmanagement, Lern- und Präsentationstechniken, Prüfungsvorbereitung/-angst, Entscheidungen (z. B. Studienfachwechsel) und das Meistern studienbezogener Herausforderungen

Warum? Ziel des Coachings ist, den Studienalltag künftig mit mehr Zufriedenheit zu meistern, eigene Stärken und Potenziale zu entdecken und neue Techniken rund ums Studieren einzusetzen

Wie und wo? face-to-face im ZIDiS (Coachingraum in Geb. 57, R. 280, RPTU, Campus Kaiserslautern) oder online

Wann? Jederzeit, flexible Terminvereinbarung über zidis-coaching[at]


Coaching in English

What does coaching mean? Coaching is a form of individual consulting. The coach and the coachee (student) meet face-to-face in the coaching room on campus in Kaiserslautern (building 57, room 280) and talk about how to improve his/her general study competences and how to meet his/her specific goals. An alternative mode is an online session.

Who is the coach? A qualified coach (academic staff) at the ZIDiS

How does it work? In a coaching session, the main „tool” is conversation. In addition, visual aids are used. The coach guides the coachee (student) through a process of self-reflection, developing goals and strategies, which the student then tries out in the course of the semester.

Which topics fit? Possible topics for a coaching session may comprise everything that is relevant to improve your studies at the university, for example learning techniques, time management (how to organize your time table, how to meet your deadlines, etc.), prepare for exams, reduce anxiety before exams or presentations, improve your presentational skills, make decisions (e.g. change your course of study), find a good work-life-learn-balance, etc. 

Which topics are excluded from this type of coaching? A learning-oriented coaching is not a tutoring concerning contents of your study courses. Problems that go beyond your studies and academic life (such as relationship problems, financial problems) are not part of the coaching. In case of psychological problems or other health issues, we transfer you to a psychologist or specialized doctor.

How much time does a coaching session take? One face-to-face coaching session has a duration of approximately 60 - 90 minutes. One online coaching session has a duration of approximately 60 minutes. The intervals between several coaching sessions are flexible.

How do I get an appointment? Send an email with your request at zidis-coaching[at]

More information about face-to-face and online coaching in English: Download facts sheet

Beispiele: So kann ein Coaching aussehen

Kontakt Coaches

E-Mail: zidis-coaching[at]


Dr. Dorit Günther

Tel.: +49 (0) 631 205-5283


Benedikt Knerr, M. A.

Tel.: +49 (0) 631 205-4556