Hannover Messe 2025 from March 31 - April 04


Exhibitors from the research location Kaiserslautern at the Hannover Messe


Photos and press releases will follow shortly ...

RPTUat the Rhineland-Palatinate stand (Hall 2/Stand C33)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan C. Aurich, Marco Hussong, M. Sc., Chair of Production Engineering & Industrial Organization

in cooperation with Fraunhofer IESE, Fraunhofer ITWM and DFKI


  • KI4KMU-RLP: Transfer of sustainable AI innovations for manufacturing SMEs in Rhineland-Palatinate


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans D. Schotten, Department EIT - Radio Communication and Navigation(WICON) and DFKI KL (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence) - Intelligent Networks


  • Medical Digital Twins (MDT) and intelligent networking through Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs)


Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Karsten Berns, Departmentof Computer Science, Chair of Robotic Systems



Chantal Momber, Department of Transfer, Innovation and Sustainability


RPTU with two stands "6G-Platform Germany" (Hall 14 / Stand H06, Position (06) and (12))

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans D. Schotten, Philipp Rosemann, Michael Karrenbauer, Chair of Radio Communication and Navigation


  • 6G-Platform Germany (incl. topic "Industrial Radio")
  • Communication Area of the accompanying research project "6G-Platform Germany"

In addition, two 6G research hubs, two industrial projects, all four startup incubators and one research project as a sub-exhibitor

University of Kaiserslautern at the Rhineland-Palatinate stand (Hall 2 / Stand C33)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Urschel, Department of Applied Engineering Sciences, Working Group Electrotechnical Systems of Mechatronics


  • KDED - A method for low-threshold technical diagnostics


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Magin, Department of Applied Engineering Sciences


Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering at the joint Fraunhofer booth (Hall 2 / Booth B24)

In cooperation with NetApp and Vicomtec

Dr. Thomas Kuhn, Division Manager Embedded Systems


German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) (Hall 2 / Stand B32)

Prof. Dr. Andreas Dengel, Department of Smart Data and Knowledge Services


  • Explainable AI in quality analysis - The AI toolbox iXplain
  • Forge for trustworthy AI: The IQZ Kaiserslautern

German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) (Hall 14 / Stand H06)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans D. Schotten, Intelligent Networks


  • Open6GHub: 6G for people, the environment and society

Technology Initiative SmartFactory KL e.V. (Hall 8 / Stand D18)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Ruskowski, Technology Initiative SmartFactory KL e.V., Innovative Factory Systems


Mittelstand-Digital-Zentrum Kaiserslautern at the stand of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) (Hall 2 / Stand A18)


MDZ-KL at the Mittelstand-Digital joint stand (Hall 17 / Stand F40)
