Mit Stern(*) gekennzeichnete Felder sind Pflichtfelder

Where are you employed?*
As part of the workshop, you can take advantage of an optional 90-minute private coaching session. Please let us know below if you would like to use this offer.
Would you like to register for an optional private coaching? (90 minutes)*
In connection with your registration, please note the following information on "Cancellation and consequences of non-attendance":

If you can foresee that you will not be able to attend one of our courses or will only be able to attend in part, please inform us immediately. There are only a limited number of places on most courses. It is therefore a great pity if places are forfeited due to no-shows or cancellations at very short notice. Not only for those on the waiting list, but also for the organisers and workshop leaders. Even if you don't have to pay to take part, the courses are not free of charge. Therefore, the following applies:

Persons who do not attend the course or only parts of the course without cancellation or without giving reasons will be blocked from participating in ZGaPL courses for an initial period of 6 months. Persons who thereafter fail to attend a course or parts of a course two times without excuse will be permanently excluded from our course programme. This rule also applies to courses organised by our cooperation partners.
Please send your cancellation - including cancellations at short notice - by email to Cancellation by the workshop leader is not sufficient.
Confirmation cancellation and consequences of non-attendance*
Privacy policy

The personal data you enter here (surname, first name, title, email address, institution, place of employment, job description) is required for the purpose of organising and running the event and is stored within the university network.
The data may be passed on to the cooperating institutions or speakers if this is necessary for the provision of the service. In addition, by participating, you undertake to treat the content of other participants (e.g. personal topics, texts and research content) confidentially.
The RPTU privacy policy applies (

In addition, by registering, you give us permission to pass on your e-mail address to the speakers.
Confirmation privacy policy*