Programs for the advancement of women at RPTU

RPTU strives to support and promote equality and equal rights for women at all university levels.

Various support programs are available for this purpose - be it mentoring for first-year students, the peer coaching program for post-docs or funding for individual professional development measures.

Overview of support programs for women at RPTU

Advancement of women continuing professional development

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Female Postdoc Peer Program

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Mentoring for first-year students

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Peer coaching for female professors

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Mentoring for young female scientists

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Clara-Marie-Faßbinder Visiting Professorship at RPTU

Federal and state programs for the advancement of women

Ada Lovelace project

The Ada Lovelace Project is a state-wide competence center for women in science and technology. It has been located at almost every university in Rhineland-Palatinate since 1997.

The Ada Lovelace project is essentially about two things: role models and practical experience. The aim at RPTU is also to encourage girls and young women to pursue a career in STEM and to show them what is possible with STEM. We want to break down traditional role models and strengthen the positive image of STEM professions. You can find more information here.

Ada-Lovelace at RPTU

Financial aid for women

The "Financial Aid for Women" website provides individuals and organizations with quick and easy access to information on a total of around 260 funding programmes offered by the EU, the federal government, the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, the Employment Agency, banks and foundations.

You can search specifically and user-friendly for financial aid for certain target groups, such as start-ups, trainees, disabled women, migrant women and female scientists, or for key topics, such as education, social affairs and the world of work.

Further information

Women Professors Program

The state of Rhineland-Palatinate and all universities offer young academics an attractive range of qualification and career opportunities.

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Klara Marie Faßbinder Visiting Professorship

The Klara Marie Faßbinder Visiting Professorship has been funded by the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Science since 2001 and rotates between the universities in Rhineland-Palatinate. Each semester, an internationally renowned scientist follows the call to the respective host university. Further information

In 2023, the Clara Marie Faßbinder Visiting Professorship with Christine Fath was hosted at RPTU. In addition to events on the topic of "Gender in teaching", space was also given to the topic of "The influence of female role models on the career paths of women in architecture".

The Klara Marie Faßbinder guest professorship at RPTU

Mary Somerville Teaching Assignment Program

The Mary Somerville Teaching Assistantship Program supports women on their way to teaching at a university of applied sciences.

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Re-entry scholarships

The re-entry grants are an instrument for the reintegration and further qualification of female scientists following a family or care phase or even qualified professional activity. They make it possible to complete academic work that has already been started.

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