Department 5.5
The department of electronics is affiliated to the central department 5 Construction - Engineering - Energy of the RPTU and is composed of the following functional units:
Electronics development
Provision of material
Electronics workshop 1
Electronics workshop 2
The services of the department of Electronics can be claimed by employees or the affiliated institutions and are usually free for the cost centers, only costs thereby incurred are calculated.
What we can do for you:
- plan, develope, produce and repair electronic equipment and electrical appliances
- advise, plan, develope test facilities and measuring devices for all areas of studies
- technical service for electronics
- give technical advice on electronic devices and procure, sell electronic devices
- give technical advice on printed circuit boards and develope, manufacture printed circuit boards
- apprenticeship as an electronic technician for equipment and systems
- technical support for data projectors and audio equipment, procure and rent data projectors and audio equipment
- support for the audiovisual equipment in lecture rooms
You can find us in building 45, room 254 to 260 or building 22, room 113 to 119
Information and downloads
- opening hours
- some projects for different departments of the university we look after
- small self-created assemblies for different technical aplications
- list of products and price list of the electronic equipment warehouse
- the debit card to pay for the costs of the equipment that the department of electronic had to buy for your order
- Form for the award of contract of the electronics workshop 1
Other information:
More information and downloads of the department 5
Do you have questions?
Head of department
Dipl.-Ing. Henning Brass
Deputy head of department
Dipl.-Ing. Henno Heintz
2. Deputy head of department
Holger Ritter
Elisabeth Rübel
all members