The Peace Academy Rhineland-Palatinate is active in university teaching, especially at the Campus Landau of the University of Koblenz-Landau.
Titel of the Lecture/Seminar | Lecturer | Semester |
NGOs und Social Cohesion in Times of Crises | Dr. Charlotte Dany | SuSe 2022 |
Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding (seminar) | Dr. Anne Hennings | WiSe 2021/22 |
Human Rights and Humanitarianism (seminar) | Dr. Charlotte Dany | WiSe 2020/21 |
Human Rights Education and Peace Education (Seminar) | Annalena Groppe | SuSe 2021 and WiSe 2020/21 |
Workshop 'Learning how to teach digitally' in cooperation with AK Curriculum and didactics of AFK | Dr. Charlotte Dany (Organizer), Tatjana Reiber und Verena Brenner (Teacher) | Between WiSe 2020/21 and SoSe 2021 |
NGOs - Non-governmental Organizations (Guest lecture in the course of Prof. Dr. Siegmar Schmidt) | Dr. Charlotte Dany | 'WiSe 2020/21 |
Social-Ecological Conflicts in the Southwestern Amazon - co-supervision of the research-oriented lecture 'Tipping Points in the Southwestern Amazon - How diversity regulates soil health, livelihood security, social cohesion and regional climate change' | Rebecca Froese | WiSe 2020/21 |
The 'Participation Trap': How NGOs try to influence international organisations (guest lecture in the lecture "Introduction to Comparative Political Science" by Prof. Dr. Manuela Glaab) | Dr. Charlotte Dany | SuSe 2019 |
Special Regional Geography of Germany: Land Use Conflicts | Jun.-Prof. Dr. Janpeter Schilling | every Semester |
Economic and social geography | Jun.-Prof. Dr. Janpeter Schilling | every WiSe |
Germany and its neighbors with focus on land use conflicts | Jun.-Prof. Dr. Janpeter Schilling (in cooperation with Dr. Melanie Brunn) | every SuSe |
Hamburg - City of Contrasts, City in Transition (Lecture & Excursion) | Jun.-Prof. Dr. Janpeter Schilling | every SuSe |
Introduction to elicitive conflict transformation and transrational peace research, guest lecture in the seminar "Conflict and conflict resolution" (Prof. Dr. Schmidt) | Jana Hornberger, | SuSe 2018 |
Human Rights Education in schools and other learning spaces: The former Westwall in Rhineland-Palatinate: A border region and its potential as a place of learning | Jana Hornberger, Melanie Hussak | SuSe 2018, WiSe 2018/19 |
Stress Management | Melanie Hussak, Jana Hornberger | every Semester |
Conflict Moderation | Dr. Sascha Werthes | WiSe 2017/18 |
Principles, Actors and Processes of Foreign Policy | Dr. Nina Engwicht, Christina Saulich | SuSe 2016 |
(Inter-)national Human Rights Policy and Human Rights Education | Melanie Hussak, Dr. Sascha Werthes | WiSe 2015/2016 |
"Peace Research: What is peace and how can we deal with conflict?", Workshop at the Kid's-University of the University of Koblenz-Landau | Melanie Hussak, | WiSe 2015/16 |
Theories of Conflict Transformation and their Practical Use | Lucia Fetzer | SuSe 2015 |
The two seminars on human rights policy and human rights education were honoured with an award for innovative teaching projects by the Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Department of the University of Koblenz-Landau.
Since the winter semester 2015/16 Bachelor and Master thesis in political science in the field of peace and conflict research can be supervised by Dr. Nina Engwicht and Junior Professor Janpeter Schilling.
Since autumn 2014 the Peace Academy Rhineland-Palatinate supports efforts to establish a peace and conflict studies program at the University of Koblenz-Landau. We are therefore pleased that the Department of Social and Cultural Studies at the University of Koblenz-Landau succeeded in anchoring the topic of human rights education as a focal and multidisciplinary reference point in the training of future teachers (Project Human Rights Education). We welcome and support the "Landauer Manifesto on Human Rights Education".