
Friedensakademie Rheinland-Pfalz, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau

Kaufhausgasse 9, 76829 Landau in der Pfalz

Editorial team




The Peace Academy Blog combines research and practiconers' perspective on topics of civil conflict resolution and crisis prevention. Thereby, it contributes specifically to strengthening dialogues on peace studies and peace policy between academia, practice, civil society and politics.

Relocation of the Resources & Conflict Blogs

The R+C Blog can now be found on the pages of the Peace Academy Blog

Latest english contributions

Person holding sign in front of their face with "silence allows violence" written on it
"Believe people who tell you about their experiences of violence!" - An interview with AFK Women's Representative Madita Standke-Erdmann on violence and abuse of power in German-language peace and conflict studies

By Majbrit Hüttenhein - In the wake of the #MeToo movement, cases of violence and abuse of power have gained new publicity since 2017. The problem does not stop in the film industry, but is also reproduced in academic structures in particular. It is precisely in situations in which power hierarchies exist between people that this relationship is repeatedly exploited. The fact that violence and abuse of power also occur and remain concealed in German-language peace and conflict research is all the more serious, as this field also conducts research into the dismantling of structures of violence and social justice!

Latest contributions

Person holding sign in front of their face with "silence allows violence" written on it
"Believe people who tell you about their experiences of violence!" - An interview with AFK Women's Representative Madita Standke-Erdmann on violence and abuse of power in German-language peace and conflict studies

By Majbrit Hüttenhein - In the wake of the #MeToo movement, cases of violence and abuse of power have gained new publicity since 2017. The problem does not stop in the film industry, but is also reproduced in academic structures in particular. It is precisely in situations in which power hierarchies exist between people that this relationship is repeatedly exploited. The fact that violence and abuse of power also occur and remain concealed in German-language peace and conflict research is all the more serious, as this field also conducts research into the dismantling of structures of violence and social justice!

Alter Hafenkran mit gespiegeltem Schriftzug "see things from the from the othe side"
Perspektiven auf (Post)Kolonialismus und Forschung im Globalen Süden

Von Christopher Rohles - Fortbestehende Machtverhältnisse der Kolonialzeit sind auch heute noch für globale Abhängigkeitsbeziehungen und Marginalisierung mitverantwortlich, die sich auf Wissenschaft und Forschung auswirken. Daraus entwickeln sich, oftmals unbewusste, latente Rassismen. Um Menschen aus dem Globalen Süden und deren Perspektiven in Wissenschaft und Forschung zu stärken, muss das Bewusstsein für Postkolonialismus geschärft werden und weite Teile des Globalen Nordens müssen proaktiv dazu bereit sein, ihre Privilegien kritisch zu hinterfragen und aufzugeben.