Sub-Project WG MEC

Energy efficient mechatronical drive systems for mobile working machines

The workgroup MEC develops energy efficient mechatronical concepts for machine's drive train, boom, tools and auxiliary aggregates. Therefore and first of all the requirements for the considered sub-systems are being derived from the representative working scenarios. Then systematically new concepts will be derived and evaluated. For the promising concepts numerical models will be developed and a detailed numerical simulation will be performed in order to analyze function and energy savings. These models will be than implemented in the overall model of the workgroup KIMA in order to analyze the function and the energy consumption of the whole machine.

Project Objective

Objective of the proposed sub-project is the development of mechatronical drive concepts for drive train, boom, tools and auxiliary aggregates, which will be able to process the working tasks of the mobile excavator with considerably lower energy consumption compared to the traditional hydraulic-mechanical systems.


  • Deriving of requirements for drive train, boom, tools and auxiliary aggregates
  • Determining of technical solutions for fulfillment of the systems' functions
  • Methodical derivation and evaluation of new mechatronical concepts
  • Development of the controlling units
  • Numerical analysis and evaluation on system level and complete composition

Core Competences

A lot of the technical products such as gears, machine tools, chassis's and drive trains are not conceivable any more without mechatronic, therefore the need for mechatronical products and appliances increases constantly. The mechatronic links mechanics, electronics and informatics together, so that we can speak of an integrated mechatronical system instead of many sub-systems. The Institute of Mechatronics in Mechanical Engineering and Vehicle Technology (MEC) is working with a focus on the interaction between sub-systems with the objective to make new functions possible or to improve existing ones.

Main topics in the studies of the Institute of Mechatronics in Mechanical Engineering and Vehicle Technology (MEC) are machines' and driving dynamics, actuators, sensors and control systems. Main research fields of the institute are drive dynamics, chassis control systems, active safety, autonomic driving, and electrical driven vehicles.



RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau
Institute of Mechatronics in Mechanical Engineering and Vehicle Technology (MEC)
P.O. Box 3049
D-67653 Kaiserslautern


Your Contact Partners

Professor Dr.-Ing. Steffen Müller
Building 44, Room 555
Gottlieb-Daimler Straße
67663 Kaiserslautern

Tel.: +49 (0)631 / 205 3230
Fax.: +49 (0)631 / 205 4201

Email: steffen.mueller[at]


Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Pick
Building 44, Room 551
Gottlieb-Daimler Straße
67663 Kaiserslautern

Tel.: +49 (0)631 / 205 5093
Fax.: +49 (0)631 / 205 4201

Email: sebastian.pick[at]