First Progress Report

"ERMA" - Energy and resource efficient mobile working machines.

In January 2011 the foundation “Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz für Innovation” approved the proposal of the research group for Product Development at the Center for Commercial Vehicle Technology of the Technical University Kaiserslautern for realisation of the proposal "ERMA - Energy and resource efficient mobile working machines". The joint project of the four research institutes starts at the 1st of February 2011 and has running time of three years.

We are glad to look with optimistic expectations on the ongoing development, which was initiated during the past year.

New and further developments for reducing the CO2 emissions and fuel consumption can be seen mainly in the passenger cars sector, in which are present very high political requirements on the technical developments. On the other hand, in the field of mobile working machines there are still no widespread comprehensive measures for increasing the energy efficiency, e.g. aimed friction reduction, recuperation or electrification. The further increase energy costs, the need of sustainable production models and the growing competitive pressure will increase significantly the energetic requirements in this sector too. Therefore extensive concepts, new structures and innovative technical approaches for increasing the total energy efficiency of the mobile working machines are needed. For this is a consideration of the power generation and allocation as long as the power consumption needed, in order to determine, how far will the electrification and the use of alternative materials introduce benefits for the global balance considering ecological efficiency.

For this reason the joint project ERMA is working on the research and development of energy efficient concepts and technologies for mobile working machines.

Internal Workspace

Teamplace ERMA
in the Research Network of RPTU. [Link]

Teamplace ERMA
in Cooperation with the Associated Project Partner Volvo. [Link]


University of Kaiserslautern
Joint Project"ERMA"

c/o  Chair of Design Engineering (KIMA)

P.O. Box 3049
D-67653 Kaiserslautern

Gottlieb-Daimler Straße
67663 Kaiserslautern

Email: erma[at]