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Overall project
Digitization projects
Digitization projects at RPTU
In many areas of teaching, research and administration, there are opportunities to support tasks and processes with information and communication technology and thus improve the quality of the tasks performed for students and staff. From RPTU's point of view, the opportunities that arise from the overarching consideration of individual IT measures, but also the risks if this is not done, require an overall project.
The overall project "Digitalization Projects" (formerly E-Services) has the strategic goal of further advancing the digitalization of RPTU. It bundles a large number of individual projects at RPTU that are largely IT-related. As an overall project, it forms the conceptual and organizational framework for the individual projects.
The operational objective of the overall project is to interlink the individual IT projects in terms of content and timing in such a way that their interactions and dependencies are adequately taken into account. All project participants work together to achieve this core objective.
The objectives of the individual projects are described in the respective project agreements. They are subordinate to the core objective, the further development of the digitalization of the PRTU, and work towards achieving this objective.
The overall project is strategically and operationally managed by various committees. The regulations on which the overall project and the individual projects are based are set out in the project manual.
The individual projects are divided into the project areas "Digital Infrastructure", "Subject Administration", "Technology Administration", "(De)Central Areas", "Studies & Teaching" and "Research & Transfer" and thus cover the entire university spectrum.
As part of the revision of the regulations of the overall project (formerly known as E-Services 2.0), its interlinking with the project to merge RPTU with the Landau campus was also taken into account.
New ideas for digitalization at RPTU can be addressed to the overall project coordination or overall project management at any time with the help of a project application.
The overall project "Digitalization Projects" is primarily a university-internal project. It is primarily intended to support the strategic goals of the university management and the goals set out in the university development plan. This applies in particular to the digitization of the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau.
The overall project "Digitization Projects" is intended to increase the efficiency of the performance of tasks by dovetailing the content and timing of the individual IT projects and thus contribute to the economical use of funds. As part of the operational implementation, the overall project is tasked with providing financial and human resources and establishing binding and project-relevant standards. In addition, the overall project is intended to create a platform for exchange, which will be used for cross-project reporting as well as for the documentation of project-specific and project-relevant information.
Contact us
+49 (0) 631 205 5745
Andreas Hergenröder (RPTU)
+49 341 59083 791
Thomas Koppe (GT)
Tel: +49 152 01450920
Christina Olesch (GT)