Overall digitization projects

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Project completion e-bill

The project to introduce electronic invoice processing at TUK has been completed. The goals of digitizing all incoming invoices, workflow-based processing in the departments and integrated posting and payment in the administration were largely achieved. The path to achieving the goals involved a great deal of effort for all those involved in the project, which ultimately led to the set goal, but still has significant potential for optimization.

With a view to the necessary optimizations, the focus of the work over the next few months will be on increasing the acceptance of the process, which, in addition to the corresponding learning curves in the application, is to be achieved in particular through improvements in the ergonomics of the software.

Project management: Mr. Stave, WKGT

Reporting calendar

Deadlines for the preparation, processing and submission of project-related status reports


Archived messages

Archived messages from the overall project


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