Overall digitization projects

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Current messages in the overall project

Going live with ALMA

The new "ALMA" library system went live across all locations in Kaiserslautern and Landau on 01.08.2022. A discovery system has also been connected.

"Alma" replaces the old library system "Aleph". The software was implemented as a joint project between the Kaiserslautern and Landau sites as part of the merger. This means that the library system can be used productively together.

The new system consists of various modules for managing library tasks. These include, for example, the mapping of loans, interlibrary loans, reminders, fees, reservations, orders, a catalog, statistics and invoices.

After going live, the chip card connection, the connection to MACH and the transfer of library user data from other systems (e.g. campus management system) are to be implemented.

Project manager: Dr. Andreas Rosteck.

Reporting calendar

Deadlines for the preparation, processing and submission of project-related status reports


Archived messages

Archived messages from the overall project


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