Committee structure in the overall project
To ensure that the project work runs smoothly, roles and committees have been defined that have a hierarchical relationship to one another. Decision requirements are always reported from the bottom up and decisions are communicated from the top down.
Digitalization Projects Steering Committee (LA DP)
The steering committee is the highest decision-making body and therefore also the final escalation instance. It defines the strategic framework of the overall project and makes strategic decisions at the level of the overall project and the individual projects. It is responsible for monitoring and controlling the progress of the overall project and the associated project objectives as well as making decisions on escalation issues.
The Steering Committee usually meets every six to eight weeks and is made up of the following members:
- President - Prof. Dr. Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter
- Vice President for Studies and Teaching (Kaiserslautern Campus) - Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Löhrke
- Vice President for Research (Landau Campus) - Prof. Dr. Klaus Schwenk
- Chancellor - Mr. Stefan Lorenz
- Head of RHRZ - Prof. Dr. Nicolas Gauger
- Member of the RHRZ Board of Directors - Prof. Dr. Engelbert Niehaus
- Member of the RHRZ Management Board - Prof. Dr. Norbert Wehn
The overall project coordination (GPK) and overall project management (GPSt) as well as invited guests on specific topics take part in the Jour fixe Steering Committee in an advisory capacity.
Overall project coordination (GPK)
As the central decision-making body, the overall project coordination bears operational responsibility for the overall project. It bundles the information from the individual projects and works towards the progress of the project portfolio. It also ensures the flow of information between the steering committee and the projects as well as coordination between the project areas.
The overall project coordination team meets weekly and is made up of the following members:
- Representative of the Chancellor - Mr. Kurt Sendldorfer
- Deputy Head of RHRZ - Dr. Inga Scheler
The overall project management team (GPSt) and invited guests on specific topics take part in the overall project coordination jour fixe in an advisory capacity.
Overall project management (GPSt)
Overall project management serves as a central point of contact and caretaker for the individual projects and as an interface to the project committees. In particular, it is responsible for providing support in the preparation of project management documents such as status reports, decision papers, etc., supporting the preparation, implementation and follow-up of committee meetings and monitoring compliance with project regulations. The overall project management prepares a monthly overall status report on the entire "digitization projects" project from the project management reports.
Client (AG)
The client assumes responsibility for the progress of an individual project. It commissions a project management team to implement the project. In particular, the role is responsible for providing the specialist human resources to implement the project, deciding on any necessary corrective measures in the project and deciding on the mapping of specialist requirements in the case of variants with far-reaching effects.
Project management (PL)
The project managers are responsible for the progress of the respective project. They assume operational control of the projects and the technical management of the respective project team. The project managers prepare monthly status reports on their project.
The project managers coordinate with their project teams as part of the project jour fixe.
Contact us
Overall project management:
Project Office 34 / 206
Mr. Thomas Koppe
E-Mail :
Tel: +49 341 59083 791
Mr. Andreas Hergenröder
E-Mail :
Tel: +49 (0) 631 205 5745
Ms. Christina Olesch
Tel: +49 152 01450920
Overall project coordination:
Mr. Kurt Sendldorfer
E-Mail :
Tel: +49 (0) 631 205 3803
Dr. Inga Scheler
E-Mail :
Tel: +49 (0) 631 205 3284