Current messages in the overall project
News from the "Applicant management" project
Department 3 - Human Resources at TUK has been planning the introduction of a modern IT process for applicant management for some time. The previous processes, which were still partly based on copies and Excel overviews, are to be optimized and improved by a modern and future-proof IT procedure. Of course, data protection requirements must also be taken into account.
The aim of the currently launched e-service project "e-applicant management" is, on the one hand, to offer applicants a modern and web-based option for job-related or unsolicited applications. On the other hand, the internal process of applicant selection and management is to be workflow-supported and completely digital, i.e. without printouts of applicant documents wherever possible.
The project team is currently collecting requirements for such an IT process, which will form the basis for procurement and gradual introduction at TUK. The experience of other universities will be taken into account.
We will report on the further progress of the project here.