Current messages in the overall project
Open Ordering in productive operation for 5 months
The electronic catalog system "Open Ordering" went live on 01.03.2019 in the two pilot departments of Physics and Mechanical Engineering. This was followed by a staggered go-live in the other departments as well as the central facilities and administration. The rollout has been complete since mid-June and access to Open Ordering is available campus-wide.
At present, 33 suppliers are connected to the system, and catalogs are currently being created for a further 3 suppliers. Several hundred thousand items can be searched for, compared and selected in the system.
Around 750 users are currently registered with Open Ordering. Since Open Ordering went live , around 1640 orders with a total volume of around € 240,000 have been placed to date . A positive trend can be seen (see 1st image), with a good 500 orders being placed last month.
Further information on Open Ordering can be found on the pages of Department 2.3 (Contracting and Procurement) under: