Online SPICE-SPIN+X Seminare

Zu Spintronik und verwandten Forschungsbereichen

Alle Videos und PDFs der Vorträge sind auf der SPICE Webseite

P. Chris Hammel, Ohio State University
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Dominik Juraschek, Eindhoven University of Technology
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Felix von Oppen, FU Berlin
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Static and Dynamic Properties of Insulating Antiferromagnetic Cr2O3
Jing Shi, University of California
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

On the Origin of Electron-Electron Interactions in Bi2Se3 Topological Thin Films
Bryan J Hickey, University of Leeds
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Altermagnetism imaged and controlled down to the nanoscale
Peter Wadley, University of Nottingham
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

New materials and interface effects in charge and spin transport in magnetic heterostructures
Günter Reiss, University of Bielefeld
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Spintronics with van der Waals heterostructures
Sergio Valenzuela, ICREA and Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2)
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Probing 2D Magnetic Materials with magnetotransport
Alberto Morpurgo, University of Geneva
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Fractional Charges in 2D magnets & Aharonov-Bohm scattering
Nina del Ser, Caltech
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Quantum Functionalities of Magnetic Skyrmions
Christina Psaroudaki, ENS Paris
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Exploring 3D Spin Structures and Dynamics in Chiral Magnets with Advanced Synchrotron X-ray Techniques
Thorsten Hesjedal, University of Oxford
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Quantum hybrids: connecting spin excitations to resonators
Hans-Gregor Huebl, Walther-Meißner-Institut
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Exploring d-d Transition Dynamics in FePS3: A Journey through Magneto-Optical and Photoelectron Spectroscopy Investigations
Mirko Cinchetti, TU Dortmund University
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Playing with magnetism in 2D van der Waals materials via first principles
José J. Baldoví, University of Valencia
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Mapping and controlling topological textures in 3D magnetic systems
Claire Donnelly, MPI CPfS
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Magnetic hopfion rings
Nikolai Kiselev, FZ Juelich
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Chiral spin textures on the racetrack
Stuart Parkin, MPI Halle
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Spin-Orbit torque driven antiferromagnetic oscillator
Joerg Wunderlich, University of Regensburg
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Towards magnonic memory: reversal of nanomagnets on yttrium iron garnet by propagating spin waves
Dirk Grundler, EPFL
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Energy, geometry, and topology of collective magnetic dynamics
Yaroslav Tserkovnyak, UCLA
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Magnon-exciton coupling in a magnetic semiconductor
Youn Jue Bae, Cornell
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Terahertz spinorbitronics - driving and probing spin and orbital currents at highest frequencies
Tom Seifert, FU Berlin
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Orbital Angular Momentum for Spintronics
Mathias Kläui, JGU Mainz
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

First-principles calculations of spin transport and spin-orbit torque in metallic heterostructures
Kirill Belashchenko, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Thermal and Electrical Probes of Spin Effects in Antiferromagnets: a Revisitation and a New Idea?
Barry Zink, University of Denver
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Spin transport in graphene-based van der Waals heterostructures
Talieh Ghiasi, Harvard
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Probabilistic Computing with p-bits: Optimization, Machine Learning and Quantum Simulation
Kerem Çamsarı, University of California
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Spintronics with low-symmetry materials
Felix Casanova, CIC nanoGUNE
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Spin and Charge Pumping in the Presence of Spin-Orbit Coupling in THz Spintronics with Antiferromagnets
Branislav K. Nikolić, University of Delaware
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Spin-orbit coupling: an endless source of exotic phenomena in 2D magnets
Silvia Picozzi, D'Annunzio University, Italy
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Probabilistic spintronics – Computing and Device Physics
Shunsuke Fukami, Tohoku University, Japan
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Strong coupling of microwaves and magnons in YIG microstructures
Georg Schmidt, Martin Luther Univ. Halle, Germaany
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Hidden magnetoelectric order
Nicola Spaldin, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Coherent manipulation of spins in diamond via spin-wave mixing
Toeno van der Sar, TU Delft
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Exploring spintronics at unconventional hybrid interfaces
Angela Wittmann, JGU, Germany
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

A stride down the quantum materials roadmap
Alberta Bonanni, Johannes Kepler University
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Machine learning as a tool to accelerate magnetic materials
Stefano Sanvito, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Developments in ultrafast electron microscopy
Claus Ropers, MPI for Biophysical Chemistry and University of Göttingen, Germany
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Skyrmions in chiral magnetic multilayers
Christopher Marrows, University of Leeds, England
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Light-driven phonomagnetism
Dmytro Afanasiev, Radboud University, Netherlands
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Multilayer spintronic neural networks with radio-frequency connections
Alice Mizrahi, CNRS-Thales, France
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Multilayer spintronic neural networks with radio-frequency connections
Yoav William Windsor, FH Institute of the MPS and TU Berlin, Germany
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Stripe domain phases in chiral magnetic systems with perpendicular anisotropy
Eric Fullerton, UC San Diego, USA
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Ultrafast optoelectronic probes of quantum materials
James McIver, MPSD and Columbia University, Germany/USA
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Generation of electric field induced unconventional spin-current
Liza Herrera Diez, CNRS and Université Paris-Saclay 
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Magneto-ionics: using ionic motion to control magnetism
Liza Herrera Diez, CNRS and Université Paris-Saclay 
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

How to engineer non-equilibrium crystal and magnetic structures with light
Ankit Disa, MPSD, Germany
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Nonreciprocal transport and topological band structure through interactions of magnonic multilayers
Luqiao Liu, MIT, USA
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Spontaneous anomalous Hall response and altermagnetism explored in MnTe and Mn5Si3
Helena Reichlova, TU Dresden, Germany
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Domain walls and skyrmions: From ferromagnets to ferrimagnets
Geoffrey Stephen Beach, MIT, USA
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Ferrimagnetic spintronics and self-torque
Juan Carlos Rojas Sanchez, Institut Jean Lamour UL-CNRS, France
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Magnetic Chirality
Sang-Wook Cheong, Rutgers University, USA
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Modeling of magneto-thermodynamics phenomena
Oksana Chubykalo-Fesenko, CSIC, Spain
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Planar Hall Torque
Ilya Krivorotov, University of California, USA
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Resolving chicken-or-egg causality dilemma for magneto-structural phase transition in FeRh
Aleksei V. Kimel, Radboud University, Netherlands
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Driving Exchange Mode Resonance as Adiabatic Quantum Motor with 100% Mechanical Efficiency
Ran Cheng, UC-Riverside, USA
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Ultrafast optical excitation and probing of coherent antiferromagnetic spin dynamics
Christian Tzschaschel, Harvard University, USA
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Ultrafast magnetization reversal driven by optical phonons
Andrei Kirilyuk, Radboud University, Netherlands
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Ferrimagnetic Spintronics
Kyung-Jin Lee, KAIST, Sout Korea
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Spins, Bits, and Flips: Essentials for High-Density Magnetic Random-Access Memory
Tiffany Santos, Western Digital Corporation, USA
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Magneto-Acoustic Waves in Magnetic Thin Films
Mathias Weiler, Kaiserslautern University, Germany
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Detecting, imprinting and switching spin chirality in magnetic materials
Yuriy Mokrousov, JGU, Germany
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Iron garnet thin films for spintronic and photonic devices
Caroline A. Ross, MIT, USA
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Theory of magnetic interactions in real materials
Mikhail Katsnelson, Radboud University, Netherlands
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Femto-magnetism meets spintronics: Towards integrated magneto-photonics
Bert Koopmans, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

X-ray magnetization movies: Spin dynamics in reality
Gisela Schütz, MPI for Intelligent Systems, Germany
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Spin-transport Mediated Single-shot All-optical Magnetization Switching of Metallic Films
Stéphane Mangin, University of Lorraine, France
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Antiferromagnetic Skyrmionics: generating and controlling topological textures
Hariom Jani, NUS, Singapore
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Magnetism and spin dynamics control by carrier doping in van der Waals magnet Cr2Ge2Te6
Hidekazu Kurebayashi, London Centre for Nanotechnology UCL, England
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Altermagnetism: spin-momentum locked phase protected by non-relativistic symmetries
Tomas Jungwirth, ASCR Prague, Czech Republic
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Analytic and ab initio theory of magnetization dynamics
Peter Oppeneer, Uppsala University, Sweden
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Nano-scale skyrmions and atomic-scale spin textures studied with STM
Kirsten von Bergmann, Hamburg University, Germany
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Magnetic skyrmion strings: how they bend, twist and vibrate
Markus Garst, KIT, Germany
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Inertial spin dynamics in ferromagnets
Stefano Bonetti, Stockholm University, Sweeden
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Reconfigurable Training, Vortex Writing and Noise-Tolerant Reservoir Computation via Spin-Wave Fingerprinting in an Artificial Spin-Vortex Ice
Jack Nathaniel Carter-Gartside, Imperial College London, England
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Local magnetic measurements of quantum materials
Katja Nowack, Cornell University, USA
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Magnetic topological phases in dissipative systems
Benedetta Flebus, Boston College, USA
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Interacting and higher-order topological spin excitations
Alexander Mook, University of Basel, Swiss
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Electrical manipulation of non-collinear antiferromagnet
Shunsuke Fukami, Tohoku University, Japan
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Topological protectorates of Fermi surfaces
Christian Pfleiderer, TU Munich, Germany
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Neuromorphic magnon-spintronic networks
Philipp Pirro, RPTU, Germany
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Building and investigating magnetic adatom chains on superconductors atom by atom
Katharina Franke, FU Berlin, Germany
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Spin And Charge Transport In Antiferromagnets
Vincent Baltz, CEA, France
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Electrical Generation of Spin Currents
Andrew Kent, New York University, USA
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Ultrafast coupled charge, spin and nuclear dynamics: ab-initio description
Sangeeta Sharma, Max-Born-Institute, Germany
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Spintronic microwave and THz detectors: state-of-the art and future
Giovanni Finocchio, University of Messina, Italy
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Antiferromagnetic Switching Driven by the Collective Dynamics of Correlated Spin Textures
James G. Analytis, Berkeley, USA
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Magnetic skyrmions for unconventional computing and revealing latent information
Karin Everschor-Sitte, JGU, Germany
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Spin dynamics: the Landau-Lifshitz equation and beyond
Ulrich Nowak, University of Konstanz, Germany
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Spin transport in a conventional superconductor
Chiara Ciccarelli, University of Cambridge, England
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Magneto-Seebeck microscopy of spin-orbit-torque driven domain wall motion in a collinear antiferromagnet
Jörg Wunderlich, University of Regensburg, Germany
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Quantum magnonics: Quantum optics with magnons
Silvia Viola-Kusminskiy, MPI Erlangen, Germany
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Dynamic generation of scalar chirality and topological Hall effect in spiral magnets
Igor I Mazin, GMU, USA
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Optical and Electrical Detection of Spin-Orbit Fields
Christian Back, TUM, Germany
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Charge and Spin Transport Physics Of Organic Semiconductors
Henning Sirringhaus, University of Cambridge, England
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

All-Optical Control of Magnetism: from fundamentals to brain-inspired computing concepts
Theo Rasing, Radboud University, Netherlands
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Improper Dyzaloshinskii spirals and metamagnetic textures - and where to look for them
Ulrich K. Rößler, IFW Dresden, Germany
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Magnon Bose-Einstein Condensates
Sergej O. Demokritov, Münster University, Germany
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Seeing or listening: magnetoelastic effects in antiferromagnetic textures
Olena Gomonay, JGU Mainz, Germany
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Magnetic Materials and Topology
Claudia Felser, MPI Chemical Physics of Solids, Germany
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Chiral magnetism: a geometric perspective
Oleg Tchernyshyov, Johns Hopkins University, USA
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

The Thermal Chiral Anomaly in ideal field-induced Weyl semimetals
Joseph Heremans, Ohio State University, USA
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Mòire Samples: The twisted bilayer graphene scenario
Andrei Bernevig, Princeton University, USA
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Chirality Induced Spin Selectivity: Open questions and challenges
Bart van Wees, University of Groningen, Netherlands
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Electric-field effects on localized spins
Tomasz Dietl, University of Warsaw, Poland
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Three-dimensional magnetic systems: the future is bright!
Claire Donnelly, University of Cambridge, England
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Old 2degs with new tricks: Antiferromagnetic order and magnetoelectricity of 2D charge carriers
Ulrich Zuelicke, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand 
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Current-induced gap opening in interacting topological insulator surface states
Mark Spencer Rudne, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Current Fluctuations Driven by Magnetic Resonance
Arne Brataas, NTNU Trondheim, Norway
3:00 p.m.  online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Spintronics Nanodevice
- How small can we make it and what else can we use it for -
Hideo Ohno, Tohoku University, Japan
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Beyond Heisenberg Solids: From Multi-Spin Interactions to Novel Chiral Particles
Stefan Blügel, FZ Juelich, Germany
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Long-Range Phonon Spin Transport
Prof. Dr. Rembert Duine, Utrecht University, Netherlands
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Spintronic devices for artificial neural networks
Dr. Saima Siddiqui, University of Illinois, USA
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Magnetic Matchmaking: Hybrid Magnon Modes
Prof. Dr. Axel Hoffmann, University of Illinois, USA
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Antiferromagnetic Insulatronics: Spintronics without magnetic fields
Prof. Dr. Mathias Kläui, JGU Mainz, Germany
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Using magnetic tunnel junctions to compute like the brain
Dr. Mark Stiles, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Macroscopic magnonic quantum states
Prof. Dr. Burkard Hillebrands, RPTU, Germany
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Transversal transport coefficients and topological properties
Prof. Dr. Ingrid Mertig, Martin Luther University Halle, Germany
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Crystal time-reversal symmetry breaking and spin splitting in collinear antiferromagnets
Dr. Libor Šmejkal, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Towards deep neural networks with nanoscale spintronic oscillators as neurons
Prof. Dr. Julie Grollier, CNRS-Thales, France
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Magnons as Probes of Strongly Correlated Electron Physics
Prof. Dr. Amir Yacoby, Harvard University, USA
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Chiral spintronics: non collinear spin textures with application to Racetrack Memory
Prof. Dr. Stuart Parkin, MPI Halle, Germany
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Coherent Sub-Terahertz Spin Pumping from an Insulating Antiferromagnet
Prof. Dr. Enrique del Barco, University of Central Florida, USA
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Magnetic tunnel junctions and magnetic logo circuits driven by spin-orbit torques 
Prof. Dr. Pietro Gambardella, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Terahertz spin transport in magnetic nanostructures
Prof. Dr. Tobias Kampfrath, Freie Unversität Berlin, and Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Half-integer charge transfer by Majorana edge modes
Prof. Dr. Carlo Beenakker, Leiden University, NL
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel

Antiferromagnetic spintronics: from memories to ultra-fast optics and topological transport
Prof. Dr. Tomas Jungwirth, Institute of Physics of the Science Academy of the Czech Republic
3:00 p.m. online via Zoom and livestream in SPICE YouTube Channel