English-speaking get togethers for all RPTU employees

Practice, Speak, and Have Fun!

Presented by Zentrale Personalentwicklung and ZGaPL (Centre for Graduate and Academic Staff Development)

You are looking to boost your English skills? Join our English-speaking get togethers. The content focus will be on practicing (academic) small talk (at conferences), networking and talking about own scientific work and other scientific topics. Nontheless all RPTU employees are welcome to join. You’ll be guided by our experienced trainer, Amanda Habbershaw.

The focus is simple: speak lots of English, connect and have a great time!

The meetings take place on the first Tuesday of every month online via Zoom (from January until April). From May on, the meetings take place in presence in Landau. We will advertise all meetings monthly with all information you need.

Next Meeting

When: Tuesday, April 1, at 7:00 PM (19:00 Uhr) until 9:00 PM (21:00 Uhr)
Where: Online, Zoom Meeting 
How: Please send an e-mail to Amanda Habbershaw stating your interest: a.habbershaw[at]tinta-training.de
She will provide the link and password for the Zoom meeting.

No matter your level of English, everyone is welcome. Come along, share your thoughts, and make this a regular highlight in your week!

We can’t wait to see you there!

Dates for the English-get togethers 2025

7. January13. May (date deviating from rhythm)
4. February3. June
4. March 
1. April