Spin+X Physicist has been elected to become president of the European Magnetism Association

Photo of Professor Hillebrands
Prof. Dr. Burkard Hillebrands. Foto: Koziel/TUK

Physicist and Spin+X member Dr. Burkard Hillebrands has been elected to become the next president of the European Magnetism Association (EMA). The association aims as the umbrella organization in Europe to support the investigation of magnetism and magnetic materials.  His turn as president has started immediately and will last for three years. 

The EMA regularly hosts the largest European conference about magnetism - the Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS). Furthermore, the organization offers young scientists the opportunity to participate every two years in the European School of Magnetism (ESM) and additionally connects education and basic research at universities to magnetic applications in industry. For the upcoming term, Professor Hillebrands is aiming to increase the support for young scientists, to improve inter-European collaborations and to strengthen the external networking. 

Together with his group in Kaiserslautern, the Spin+X physicist investigates the field of magnonics, in particular magnonic macroscopic quantum states with a special focus on supercurrents and superfluidity. These excitations can transport more information than electrons and simultaneously require significantly less energy. This research can potentially become very important for technical applications: In the future, saving and processing data is expected be much more efficient. Next to his interdisciplinary work in Spin+X, Burkard Hillebrands has been granted a prestigious ERC Advanced Grant for his achievements on this field, one of the highest remunerated awards of the European Union.

Questions are answered by: 
Prof. Dr. Burkard Hillebrands
Magnetism Group
E-Mail: hilleb(at)physik.uni-kl.de
Tel.: 0631-205-4228
Secretary: Sibylle Müller
E-Mail: smueller(at)physik.uni-kl.de
Tel.: 0631 205-4262

Photo of Professor Hillebrands
Prof. Dr. Burkard Hillebrands. Foto: Koziel/TUK