Third Funding Period 2024-2027:

MGK  Spin+X Young Researcher College

Prof. Dr. Eva Rentschler (Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, JGU Mainz)

Project MGK organizes essential services such as mentoring, career planning assistance, information exchange and a team supervision concept, which are indispensable for a successful education and research program of PhD students. All service elements of the college will facilitate more efficient research progress, shorter time to degree, optimal career training, and a positive college environment with which students can identify. The MGK project has proven to be very beneficial in the first two funding periods and will be continued. In addition, we will utilize the diverse experience of our highly successful alumni and make it available to current doctoral students in a new network.


Second Funding Period 2020-2023:

MGK  Spin+X Young Researcher College

Prof. Dr. Eva Rentschler (Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, JGU Mainz)

Project MGK organizes essential services such as mentoring, career planning assistance, information exchange, and a team supervision concept which are indispensable for a successful educational and research program. All service elements of the College will facilitate a more efficient research progress, shorter degree completion times, optimal career training, as well as a positive College environment, which the students can identify with. This in turn enhances creative productivity and is also beneficial for the reputation of Spin+X. The Project MGK will be built on established structures for early career support at both universities.


First Funding Period 2016-2019:

MGK  Spin+X Young Researcher College

Prof. Dr. Eva Rentschler (Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, JGU Mainz)

The Spin+X Young Researcher College (MGK) ensures a balanced training and in-depth structured supervision of the doctoral students of Spin+X. In addition to comprehensive mentoring, special emphasis will be put on equipping young researchers with a substantial methodological portfolio, and on teaching them different scientific languages.

Spin+X as a whole strives to achieve two major goals: The achievement of excellent research results and the provision of an outstanding educational experience for young researchers to qualify them for their future careers. The Spin+X Young Researcher College is the key framework for bringing these aspects together by combining a structured graduate education with a team supervision and a tailored training program. The College fosters a sense of community to further strengthen the ties between the participating research groups at the two locations RPTU in Kaiserslautern and JGU Mainz and thus forge a strong identity with which the students can identify.

Given also the diverse backgrounds of the students, special emphasis is directed towards establishing a scientifically stimulating and open atmosphere that will foster interactions between the students from the different Spin+X disciplines to form a bridge that brings together science and engineering. The Young Researcher College will take advantage of the diverse expertise within Spin+X to train Ph.D. students in topics and techniques relevant for their (often interdisciplinary and sometimes even transdisciplinary) research.

The Spin+X Young Researcher College greatly benefits from existing structures at RPTU and JGU providing services for graduate education. Crucial to the Spin+X Young Researcher College is that the students are actively involved in shaping the graduate program, e.g. in setting up the graduate school curriculum as well as in decisions and quality control. The delegates represent both sites and all Spin+X research fields.