Distinguished Lecture Series
The Spin+X Distinguished Lecture Series brings outstanding speakers to the Spin+X community during the semester.
The series comprise plenary talks of different key topics for the whole interdisciplinary consortium. Purpose of the event is to provide the community with different perspectives and promote the exchange of thoughts and ideas between experts, staff, and students.
Winter Term 2022/2023

Prof. Yann Garcia Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium 6. February 2023, 4 p.m. @ RPTU 76-276 | Iron Sensors for Domestic Applications |
Prof. Yann Garcia (PhD, Jan. 1999, O. Kahn (Bordeaux) and postdoc 1999-2001, P. Gütlich (Mainz), interests extend from supramolecular functional coordination chemistry with focus on photo- and thermoswitches, spin crossover materials and hybrid inorganic-organic materials for water cleaning technologies and various sensing applications. Prof. Garcia is associate editor of the Mössbauer Effect Reference Data Journal (CAS) and editor in Inorganic Chemistry of Chemical Synthesis (OAE Pub.). He is the GFSM elected president (French Speaking Mössbauer Society) and Vice-chair IBAME (International Board of the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect). Prof. Garcia has published more than 280 publications with several cover pages of top chemistry journals, including 13 book chapters on Inorganic Chemistry with several guest editions, 2 patent applications and one book (in press). His h-index is 55 with 13938 citations (Google Scholar, Dec. 2022).

Joo-Von Kim Université Paris-Saclay, France 30. January 2023, 4-5 p.m. @JGU Mainz Medien-Raum (03-431) & online | Resonant dynamics and anomalous thermal diffusion of magnetic skyrmions |
Joo-Von Kim is a theoretical and computational physicist at the Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (C2N), a research institute jointly operated by the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Université Paris-Saclay in Palaiseau, France. He has held a tenured position at the CNRS since 2004. His research interests lie in the nonlinear and stochastic magnetisation processes in nanoscale materials, with a particular focus on topological solitons and spin wave dynamics. He has co-authored two book chapters and over 120 research articles.

Vincent Cros CNRS, Thales, Univ. Paris-Saclay 26. January 2023, 2-3 p.m. @JGU Mainz, Newton Room | From 2D skyrmions to 3D cocoons : nucleation, motion and electrical detection of non collinear topogical spin textures |
Dr. Vincent Cros is CNRS senior researcher at the CNRS/Thales research lab (Palaiseau, France) on the Université Paris-Saclay campus. Since 1998, he has been working on magnetization dynamics and spin torque phenomena as well as its related potential applications for example for radiofrequency spintronic devices. His research interests include: nonlinear phenomena and synchronization of spin torque nano-oscillators; Spin transfer dynamics generated by spin-orbit torques and more recently the physics of magnetic skyrmions in nanostructures. He has been coordinated several national, European and international projects, including the large national project on spintronics called PEPR SPIN, being part on the France 2030 investment plan. In 2013, he received the Carnot prize from the French Academy of Sciences for his work in spintronics.